
Type of chemical compound From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Selenidogermanates are compounds with anions with selenium bound to germanium. They are analogous with germanates, thiogermanates, and telluridogermanates.[1]


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name formula formula weight crystal




cell dimensions volume density comment ref
GeSe2 [2]
Ge4Se9 orthorhombic Pca21 a 17.8204 b 7.0029 c 12.0854 [2]
Li3Ge3Se6 triclinic P1 a 6.7728 b 8.6804 c 10.6300 α 74.519° β 76.334° γ 69.185° [3]
[Li4(H2O)16][Ge4Se10]·4.33H2O monoclinic P21 a=10.2246 b=20.4503 c=28.7242 β=97.850° [4]
{Li4(thf)12}Ge4Se10 monoclinic C2/c a=24.845 b =12.692 c=25.625 β=119.00° [4]
[Li2(H2O)8][MnGe4Se10] tetragonal I4 a=9.103 c =15.130 [4]
[NH4]2[H2N(CH3)2]2Ge2Se6 monoclinic P21/n a 13.503 b 7.777 c 19.583 β 106.03° [5]
(N2H5)4Ge2Se6 tetragonal I41cd a = 12.708 c = 21.955 Z = 8 [6]
[NEt4]2[enH]2[Ge2Se6] triclinic P1 a = 7.805, b = 10.747, c = 11.445, α = 110.33°, β = 97.19°, γ = 92.62° V = 889.0 [7]
tetrakis(Tripropylammonium) hexakis(μ2-selenido)-tetrakis(selenoxo)-tetra-germanium(iv) monoclinic P21/c a 18.759 b 16.104 c 21.211 β 108.52° [8]
(C2C1Im)4[Ge4Se10] 1524.63 tetragonal P42/n a=13.675 c=12.042 Z=2 2251.9 2.249 yellowish [1]
1-Ethyl-3-methyl-imidazolium (C2C1Im)6[Ge8Se19]; 2747.96 triclinic P1 a=10.2607 b=17.6852 c=21.994 α=100.889

β= 95.600  γ=105.240 Z=2

3735.5 2.443 yellowish [1]
(C2C1Im)6[Ge8Se19] 2747.96 monoclinic P121/c1 a=22.206 b=9.544 c=36.823 β=105.37 Z=4 7524.8 2.426 yellow [1]
(C2C1Im)8[Ge16Se36] 4893.34 monoclinic C12/c1 a=20.527 b=28.744 c=19.720 β=94.640 Z=4 11597 2.803 yellow [1]
2(C2C1Im)6[Ge12Se27] 7340.01 monoclinic P121/n1 a=14.834 b=30.647 c=20.465 β=107.603 Z=2 8868 2.749 red [1]
(C4C1im)+2{[SnII(GeIV4Se10)]2−} monoclinic P21/n a 9.9685 b 26.2588 c 13.9736 β 98.766° [9]
Na2GeSe3 monoclinic P21/c a =7.097 b=16.068 c=6.073 β =113.69° Z=4 3.72 yellow [10]
Na4GeSe4 orthorhombic Pnma a = 28.518 b=9.447 c=7.128 Z=8 orange-yellow [11]
Na4[Ge4Se10] orthorhombic Cmcm a=13.507 b=13.363 c=11.034 Z=4 1881.6 [12]
Na4Ge(Se2)4 red [13]
Na6Ge2Se6 monoclinic P21 a = 8.367 b = 11.924 c = 8.158 β = 118.6° [14]
Na6Ge2Se7 monoclinic C2/c a=9.451 b=10.914 c=15.874 β=104.7° 3.51 yellow [15][16]
Na8Ge4Se10 triclinic P1 a = 7.074 b = 8.098 c = 10.657 α = 73.4° β = 70.8° γ= 81.7° [14]
Na8Ge4Se10 monoclinic P21/c a = 13.104 b=12.057 c=14.101 β= 92.9° Z=4 3.77 orange yellow [10]
[Na4(H2O)14][GeSe4] monoclinic C2 a = 12.862, b = 11.205, c = 8.141 Å, β = 107.40° [17]
Na4Ge2Se6 · 16 H2O monoclinic P21/c a = 9.894 b = 11.781 c = 12.225 β = 92.90° Z = 2 [18]
Na6Ge2Se6 · 4 CH3OH [19]
Na3GeSe3Br [20]
Mg2GeSe4 437.05 orthorhombic Pnma a 13.50 b 7.85 c 6.37 Z=4 675 4.302 yellow [21]
Li2MgGeSe4 orthorhombic Pmn21 a = 8.2961 b = 7.0069 c = 6.6116, Z = 2 384.33 3.686 yellow [22]
Na4MgGe2Se6 735.21 monoclinic C2 a 7.722 b 11.994 c 7.096 β 106.66° Z=2 629.7 3.878 orange-yellow [23]
K2GeSe4 monoclinic P21/c a=11.989 b=8.275 c=8.915 β=106.38° Z=4 848.8 3.65 orange [24]
K2Ge4Se8 monoclinic P21/c a=7.3752 b=12.239 c=17.468 β=96.102°, Z=4 1156.8 band gap 1.8 eV [25]
K4[GeSe4] cubic P43n a=13.1893 [26]
[K4(H2O)4][GeSe4] triclinic P1 a 7.8695 b 7.9576 c 12.314, α 80.24° β 87.66° γ 74.07° [26]
[K4(H2O)3][Ge2Se6] monoclinic P21/c a 14.583 b 8.3858 c 14.17 β 96.27° [26]
[K4(H2O)3][Ge4Se10] [1]
K6Ge2Se6 monoclinic C2/c a=9.076 b=12.851 c=8.480 β=116.76° [27]
[V(en)2(ea)]2[Ge2Se6] monoclinic P21/n a 8.733 b 13.432 c 13.583 β 91.486° Z=4 1592.8 2.256 red [28]
[V(teta)(ea)]2[Ge2Se6] monoclinic P21/n a 9.0574 b 14.209 c 13.1189° β 91.384° Z=4 1687.8 2.232 red [28]
[V2(en)6(μ-O)][Ge2Se6] triclinic P1 a 9.448 b 10.178 c 10.436 α 109.090° β 104.169° γ 111.520° Z=1 802.7 2.271 brown [28]
Na2MnGe2Se6 1439.72 tetragonal I4/mcm a = 7.772 c = 19.077 Z = 2 1152.3 4.150 @153K band gap 1.93 eV; brown [29]
Na8Mn2(Ge2Se6)2 monoclinic C2 a 7.727 b 11.943 c 7.085 β 106.682° band gap 1.95 eV [30]
K2MnGe2Se6 tetragonal I4/mcm a =8.1315 c =18.877 [31]
[Mn(en)3]2Ge2Se6 monoclinic P21/n a 9.058 b 16.319 c 11.628 β 92.264° [32]
(enH2)[{Mn(en)2(enH)}2(μ-en)](Ge2Se7)2 orthorhombic Pbca a 15.816 b 13.638 c 24.677 [33]
[Mn(dien)2]2Ge2Se7 monoclinic P21/c a 16.489 b 14.524 c 15.860 β 101.03° [33]
[{Mn(tepa)}2(μ-Ge2Se6)] tetragonal I 41/a a=26.387 c 9.9435 [34]
[K2(H2O)3][MnGe4Se10] tetragonal I4 a=8.988 c=15.49 [35]
Bis(trimethylammonium) decaselenidotetragermanatomanganate(II) [(CH3)3NH]2[MnGe4Se10] tetragonal I4 a 9.559 c 14.808 [36]
[Fe(dien)2]2Ge2Se6 monoclinic P21/n a 12.426 b 9.312 c 15.385 β 101.422° [32]
[{Fe(tepa)}2(μ-Ge2Se6)] tetragonal I 41/a a 26.285 c 9.882 [34]
K2FeGe3Se8 monoclinic P21 a 7.409 b 12.268 c 34.974 β 96.04° band gap 1.95 eV [37]
[Ni(dien)2]2Ge2Se5(Se2) monoclinic P21/c a 15.741 b 14.463 c 16.390 β 103.03° [5]
[{Ni(tepa)}2(μ-Ge2Se6)] tetragonal I41/a a=26.001 c=9.708 [5]
triethylenetetramine [Ni(teta)2]2Ge4Se10·0.5H2O monoclinic P21/c a 21.202 b 13.345 c 20.872 β 107.46° [38]
(enH2)5[Cu16Ge6Se19(Se2)6]·en cubic Pa3 a=a 20.8113 Z=12 [39]
[(CH3)2NH2]6[Cu8Ge6Se19]·0.25H2O Im3 a=22.43070 [39]
[NH3CH3]0.75Cu1.25GeSe3 tetragonal P421m a=12.9345 c 8.9057 [40]
decakis(1-ethyl-3-methyl-1H-imidazol-3-ium) hexakis(μ-cyanido)-nonatriacontakis(μ-selenido)-selenido-hepta-copper(i)-hexadeca-germanium(iv)-penta-sodium (C2C1Im)10[Na5(CN)6@Cu6(Ge4Se10)4(Cu)] triclinic P1 a 19.2790 b 20.4268 c 23.2357 α 105.275° β 93.657° γ 115.206° Z=2 7822.6 2.610 red [41]
decakis(1-ethyl-3-methyl-1H-imidazol-3-ium) hexakis(μ-cyanido)-nonatriacontakis(μ-selenido)-selenido-hepta-copper(i)-hexadeca-germanium(iv)-penta-sodium (C2C1Im)10[Na5(CN)6@Cu6(Ge4Se10)4(Cu)] 6147.36 triclinic P1 a 20.3454 b 20.8202 c 23.120 α 72.172° β 68.184° γ 60.802° Z=2 7842.1 2.472 red [41]
1,2-dap = 1,2-diaminopropane [Mn(1,2-dap)2][Cu2GeSe5] monoclinic P21/c a 6.673 b 18.210 c 15.070 β 96.078° [42]
[Cu2GeSe5][Mn(Hen)2(en)] monoclinic P21/c a 9.6327 b 20.6934 c 10.3704 β 100.646° band gap 1.69 eV [43]
tren = tris(2-aminoethyl)amine [Ni(tren)(en)]2∙[Cu2GeSe5]2 orthorhombic P212121 a 9.8574 b 13.0311 c 32.77 [42]
[Ni(dien)2]2Ge2Se5(Se2) monoclinic P21/c a=15.741 b=14.463 c=16.390 β=103.03(3)° [5]
{Ni(tepa)}2(μ-Ge2Se6) tetragonal I41/a a=26.001 c=9.7079 [5]
[NH3CH3]0.75Cu1.25GeSe3 tetragonal P421m a 12.9345 c 8.9057 [40]
Na2ZnGe2Se6 tetragonal I4/mcm a 7.757 c 18.734 band gap 2.36 eV [44][45]
Cu2ZnGeSe4 tetragonal I4 band gap 1.38; air stable; SHG 43 pm/V at λ = 2900 nm [46]
Cu4ZnGe2Se7 monoclinic C2 a 12.3443 b 5.6195 c 8.7904 β 98.693° band gap 0.91 eV; air stable [46]
N-(2-aminoethyl)piperazine (H2NC4H8NCH2CH2NH2)(HNCH2CH2NH2)3Zn2Ge2Se8 orthorhombic P21212 a=18.928 b=30.849 c=6.3954 [47]
[NH4]2Ga4Se8Ge4 monoclinic P21/c [48]
NaGaGe3Se8 monoclinic P21/c a 7.233 b 11.889 c 17.550 β 101.75° Z=4 1477.5 4.235 orange [49]
K2Ga2Ge2Se8 monoclinic P21/c a 7.3552 b 12.4151 c 17.6213 β 97.026° Z=4 1597.02 4.136 yellow [50]
K3Ga3Ge7Se20 2413.79 monoclinic P21/c a 7.0520 b 39.033 c 6.9488 β 90.433° Z=2 1912.67 4.191 orange [49]
K3Ga3(Ge4.95Si2.05)Se20 monoclinic Pc a 7.0101 b 38.928 c 6.9594 β 90.531° [51]
Rb2GeSe4 559.4 monoclinic P2/m a=7.390 b=3.704 c=8.623 β=104.87 Z=1 228.1 4.07 orange-brown [24]
Rb4Ge4Se10 monoclinic C2/c a = 16.095 b = 16.09 c = 9.390 β= 105.79° [52]
Rb4Ge4Se12 orthorhombic Pna21 a 14.870 b 13.800 c 12.445 Z=4 2554 4.109 red [53]
Rb4Ge4Se10 • CH3OH 1453.9 monoclinc C2 a=17.099 b=9.287 c=9.503 β=118.49 Z=2 1326.3 3.64 yellow [24]
Rb2MnGe3Se8 orthorhombic P212121 a 7.2756 b 12.1668 c 16.8351 [54]
Rb2[MnGe4Se10]·3H2O tetragonal [55]
Rb3(AlSe2)3(GeSe2)7 monoclinic P21/c a = 7.0580 b = 39.419 c = 7.0412 β = 90.360° Z = 2 #190K; band gap 2.4 eV [56]
RbGaGeSe4 orthorhombic Pnma a=17.5750 b= 7.4718 c= 12.4449 Z=8 1634.23 4.419 colourless; air sensitive [50]
γ-Sr2GeSe4 orthorhombic Ama2 a = 10.284 b = 10.543 c = 7.411 Z=4 [57][58]
Strontium Selenogermanate(III) Sr2Ge2Se5 monoclinic P21/n a=8.445 b=12.302 c=9.179 β=93.75° Z=4 Ge-Ge bond [59]
tepa=tetraethylenepentamine (H2peha)[Y2(μ-OH)2(tepa)2Cl2]{[Y2(μ-OH)2(tepa)2Cl]2(μ-Ge2Se6)}[Ge2Se6]Cl2 triclinic P1 a 9.1861 b 17.3698 c 19.5422 α 103.218° β 95.414° γ 101.439° [60]
Y2(tepa)2(μ-OH)2(μ-Ge2Se6)]·H2O monoclinic C2/c a 21.87 b 12.245 c 18.724 β 127.58° [61]
AgxNa(6-x)Ge2Se7 x=1.76 [62]
AgxNa(8-x)Ge4Se10 C2/c [62]
K2Ag2GeSe4 orthorhombic Fddd a 6.613 b 13.776 c 21.822 [63]
Ag2FeGeSe4 orthorhombic [64]
AgGaGeSe4 tetragonal I42d a = 5.8056 c = 10.349 348.81 band gap 2.27 eV [65]
Rb2Ag2GeSe4 1579.76 orthorhombic Fddd a 6.5943 b 13.9740 c 22.627 [66]
RbAg3Ga8Se14 monoclinic Cm a 12.9155 b 11.7376 c 9.6693 β 116.367° [67]
Ag2Sr3Ge2Se8 cubic I43d [68]
Rb3[AgGe4Se10]·2H2O [55]
Li7Cd4.5Ge4Se16 orthorhombic Pna21 a 14.165 b 8.2990 c 6.6869 band gap 2.18 eV; melt 985K [69]
Na2CdGe2Se6 monoclinic Cc a 7.589 b 13.182 c 12.069 β 98.829° SHG 2×AgGaS2 at 2.09 μm [44]
K2CdGe3Se8 1040.05 monoclinic P21 a=7.6069 b=12.4016 c=17.6585 β=95.306° Z=4 1658.71 4.165 brownish yellow [70]
SrCdGeSe4 orthorhombic Ama2 a = 10.8245 b = 10.6912 c = 6.6792 Z=4 red; band gap 1.9 eV; melt 851; SHG 5× AgGaS2 [71]
[NH4]2In4Se8Ge4 monoclinic P21/c a 7.642 b 12.470 c 18.222 β 95.214° [48]
KInGeSe4 monoclinic P21/c a=7.6108 b=12.4473 c=18.0896 β=97.238° Z=8 1700.0 4.239 yellow [72]
RbInGeSe4 orthorhombic Pnma a=17.9948 b=7.6908 c=12.6003 Z=8 1743.8 4.475 yellow [72]
K3Ga3(Ge6.17Sn0.83)Se20 monoclinic Pc a 7.0843 b 39.404 c 7.0212 β 90.567° [51]
Na9Sb(Ge2Se6)2 monoclinic C2/c a = 8.95 b = 24.33 c = 7.066 β = 122.10° Z=2 1303 3.992 red [73]
Sr3GeSb2Se8 orthorhombic Pnma a = 12.633 b = 4.301 c = 28.693 Z = 4 1558.8 band gap 0.75 eV [74]
Cs4Ge2Se6 monoclinic P21/n a 7.6295 b 9.6884 c 19.773 β=98.78° [75]
Cs4Ge2Se8 1308.5 monoclinic C2 a=17.503 b=9.549 c=9.751 β=118.16° Z=2 1436.8 3.87 orange-yellow [76]
Cs4Ge4Se10 monoclinic C2/c a = 16.348 b = 16.49 c = 9.771 β = 107.10° [52]
Cs4Ge4Se10 · 2CH3OH 1675.7 monoclinic C2/m a=15.278 b=7.624 c=10.090 β=121.71° Z=2 999.8 4.34 yellow [76]
Cs4Ge4Se12 1769.52 orthorhombic Pna21 a 15.193 b 13.944 c 12.845 Z=4 2721.4 4.319 red [53]
(C4C1C1im)+7{[Cs@SnII4(GeIV4Se10)4]7−} cubic P43m a=15.446 Cs in a tetrahedron [9]
heptakis(1-ethyl-3-methyl-1H-imidazol-3-ium) hexatriacontakis(μ-selenido)-tetraselenido-cesium-tetra-germanium(ii)-hexadeca-germanium(iv) (C2C1Im)7[Cs@GeII4(GeIV4Se10)4] 4831.2 orthorhombic P212121 a 18.1595 b 18.5017 c 36.632 Z=4 12307.8 2.980 yellow [41]
Cs2MgGe3Se8 orthorhombic P212121 a 7.6635 b 12.7242 c 17.7724 [77]
Cs[Cr(en)2GeSe4] 693.57 monoclinic P21/n a=11.3115 b=12.3519 c=11.4514 β =93.359 Z=4 1597.2 2.884 black [78]
Cs2MnGe3Se8 orthorhombic P212121 a 7.6376 b 12.648 c 17.762 [54]
Cs2[MnGe4Se10]·3H2O tetragonal [55]
Cs2Cu2GeSe4 monoclinic C2/c a 7.8231 b 23.953 c 6.0197 β 113.75° [66]
Cs2ZnGe3Se8 orthorhombic P212121 a 7.5756 b 12.6191 c 17.6543 [77]
CsGaGeSe4 orthorhombic Pnma a= 17.7666 b= 7.5171 c= 12.6383 Z=8 1687.9 4.652 colourless [50]
Cs2Ge3Ga6Se14 P3m1 a = 7.6396 c =13.5866 Z = 1 686.72 dark red [79]
(Cs6Cl)2Cs5[Ga15Ge9Se48] tetragonal I4/m a 14.3870 c 28.012 [80]
[Cs6Cl][Ga5GeQ12] band gap 2.89 eV; porous layers [81]
(Cs6Br)2Cs5[Ga15Ge9Se48] tetragonal I4/m a 14.3806 c 27.934 [80]
(Cs6I0.6Cl0.5)2Cs5[Ga15Ge9Se48] tetragonal I4/m a 14.4267 c 28.082 [80]
(Cs5KCl)2Cs5[Ga15Ge9Se48] tetragonal I4/m a=14.3309 c=27.797 [80]
(Rb6Cl)2Cs5[Ga15Ge9Se48] tetragonal I4/m a=14.2193 c=27.410 Z=2 5542 [80]
(Rb6Br)2Cs5[Ga15Ge9Se48] tetragonal I4/m a=14.4034 c=27.598 Z=2 5646.3 [80]
Cs3AsGeSe5 monoclinic C2/m a 14.252 b 7.4 c 10.335 β 124.07° [75]
CsAg3Ga8Se14 monoclinic Cm a 12.9694 b 11.7931 c 9.7011 β 116.805° [67]
Cs3[AgGe4Se10]·2H2O [55]
Cs2CdGe3Se8 orthorhombic P212121 7.7048 b 12.6822 c 17.8208 [77]
Cs2Ge3In6Se14 R3m a = 7.9951 c = 41.726 band gap 2.08 eV [82]
Ba2Ge2Se5 orthorhombic Pnma a=12.594 b=9.174 c=9.160 Z=4 [59]
[Ba2(H2O)9][GeSe4] 825.25 orthorhombic Pbca a 13.916 b 15.097 c 16.116 Z=8 3385.9 3.238 light yellow [83]
Ba6Ge2Se12 monoclinic P21/c a = 10.0903 b = 9.3640 c = 25.7643 β = 90.303° [84]
Ba7Ge2Se17 orthorhombic Pnma a = 12.652 b = 20.069 c = 12.3067 [84]
Ba4Ge3Se9Cl2 P63 a 10.0924 b 10.0924 c 12.512 [85]
Ba3[Mn6Ge4Se17]·19H2O 2716.66 triclinic P1 a 12.184 b 15.089 c 15.868 α 88.73° β 73.68° γ 71.06° Z=2 2640.4 3.412 red [83]
Ba3[Mn6Ge4Se17]·30H2O rhombohedral R3c a 20.463 c 25.11 Z=6 9109 3.188 orange-red [83]
BaCu2GeSe4 P3121 a 6.5014 c 16.266 red [86]
BaZnGeSe4 orthorhombic Ama2 a = 11.3255 b = 11.2527 c = 6.2917 band gap 2.46 eV [87]
LiBa4Ga5Se12 orthorhombic P421c a 13.0056 b 13.0056 c 6.2671 band gap 2.44 eV [88]
Ba4Ge3Se9Br2 hexagonal P63 a = 10.2345 c = 12.5306
BaCdGeSe4 orthorhombic Fdd2 a=22.167 b=22.768 c=13.303 band gap 1.67 eV; SHG 0.5 × AgGaS2 [89]
Ba4GeSb2Se11 1734.01 orthorhombic Cmc21 a = 9.37 b = 25.85, c = 8.80 Z=4 2131 5.404 [90]
La4Ge3Se2S10 rhombohedral R3c a=19.5575 c=8.1468 2698.6 4.605 Yellow-orange [91]
La4Ge3Se4S8 rhombohedral R3c 2745.3 Yellow-orange [91]
La4Ge3Se6S6 rhombohedral R3c 2792.6 orange [91]
La4Ge3Se8S4 rhombohedral R3c 2845.3 red [91]
La4Ge3Se10S2 rhombohedral R3c 2912.1 red [91]
lanthanum(III) bis[hexaselenodigermanate] Na9La[Ge2Se6]2 monoclinic C12/m1 a =7.974 b=12.337 c=7.114 β=107.101° Ζ=1 669.0 orange [92]
Ba4LaSbGe3Se13 monoclinic P21/c a=16.3330 b=12.5115 c=13.0321 β=103.457° Z=4 2590.0 red; band gap 2.0 eV [93]
[Ce4(tepa)4(μ-GeSe4)(μ-GeSe5)(μ-Ge2Se6) triclinic P1 a 12.273 b 16.624 c 18.281 α 91.264° β 101.034° γ 96.497° [60]
KCeGeSe4 monoclinic P21 a = 6.852 b = 7.025 c = 9.017 β = 108.116° Z = 2 [94]
Pr(teta)(tren)Cl]2[Ge2Se6](en) triclinic P1 a 10.3153 b 10.4707 c 14.0511 α 99.606° β 92.679° γ 119.146° [95]
Nd(teta)(tren)Cl]2[Ge2Se6](en) triclinic P1 a 10.2840 b 10.4774 c 14.0341 α 99.655° β 92.651° γ 119.161° [95]
Na9Sm(Ge2Se6)2 monoclinic C2/m a = 7.916 b = 12.244 c = 7.105 β = 106.99° Z = 1 658.6 [96][97]
Sm2(μ-OH)2(tepa)2(μ-Ge2Se6) monoclinic P21/n a 12.10 b 11.41 c 12.71 β 92.81° [60]
Sm(teta)(tren)Cl]2[Ge2Se6](en) triclinic P1 a 10.3327 b 10.482 c 14.003 α 77.816° β 87.499° γ 60.62° [95]
NaSmGeSe4·0.25Na2Se monoclinic C2/c a 22.508 b 11.0307 c 6.8261 β 103.038° [98]
KSmGeSe4 monoclinic P21 a = 6.774 b = 6.994 c = 8.960 β = 108.225° Z = 2 403.2 [99]
RbSmGeSe4 orthorhombic P212121 a = 6.7347 b = 7.0185 c = 17.723 Z=4 837.7 [99]
CsSmGeSe orthorhombic P212121 a=6.707 b=7.067 c=18.334 Z=4 869.1 [99]
Eu2GeSe4 monoclinic P21 a = 6.964 b = 7.055 c = 8.400 β = 108.12° Z = 2 deep red [100]
Eu2GeSe4 monoclinic P21/m a = 6.969 b = 7.059 c = 8.516 β = 107.99° Z = 2 @673K [100]
Eu2Ge2Se5 monoclinic P21/n a = 8.421 b = 12.235 c = 9.127 β = 93.67° Z = 4 deep red [100]
{Eu(en)3}2(μ-OH)2]Ge2Se6 monoclinic P21/n a 10.062 b 11.538 c 15.227 β 98.470° [101]
Eu(teta)(tren)Cl]2[Ge2Se6](en) triclinic P1 a 10.364 b 10.549 c 14.1157 α 77.299° β 87.606° γ 60.697° [95]
{Eu(tepa)(μ-OH)}2(μ-Ge2Se8) monoclinic P21/n a 12.384 b 11.697 c 12.965 β 94.107° [102]
Na2EuGeSe4 cubic I43m a=7.3466 Z=2 [103]
Na0.75Eu1.625GeSe4 cubic I43d a=14.7065 Z=16 [103]
K2EuGeSe5 monoclinic P21/c a = 11.8056 b = 9.9630 c = 8.9456 β = 91.195° Z = 4 1051.9 4.404 @167K; band gap 1.84 eV; Eu(II) [104]
EuCdGeSe4 orthorhombic Ama2 a 10.7525 b 10.6275 c 6.6740 Z=4 762.6 5.685 red; band gap 2.25 eV; SHG 3.8 × AgGaS2 [105]
Gd(teta)(tren)Cl]2[Ge2Se6](en) triclinic P1 a 10.310 b 10.495 c 14.055 α 77.50° β 87.51° γ 60.81° [95]
{Gd(tepa)(μ-OH)}2(μ-Ge2Se8) monoclinic P21/n a 12.316 b 11.667 c 12.868 β 93.70° [102]
{Dy(tepa)(μ-OH)}2(μ-Ge2Se8) monoclinic P21/n a 12.329 b 11.627 c 12.882 β 94.177° [102]
[{Dy(en)3}2(μ-OH)2]Ge2Se6 a 10.026 b 11.526 c 15.147 β 99.030° [102]
Tb2(tepa)2(μ-OH)2(μ-Ge2Se8) monoclinic P21/n a 12.228 b 11.587 c 12.782 β 93.458° [61]
Tb(teta)(tren)Cl]2[Ge2Se6](en) triclinic P1 a 10.2303 b 10.4499 c 14.0083 α 99.655° β 92.737° γ 119.069° [95]
[Tb2(tepa)2(μ-OH)2(μ-Ge2Se6)]·0.5H2O monoclinic C2/c a 22.007 b 12.3363 c 18.2590 β 125.196° [106]
[{Ho(en)3}2(μ-OH)2]Ge2Se6 monoclinic P21/n a 9.997 b 11.550 c 15.109 β 99.289° [101]
[{Ho(dien)2}2(μ-OH)2]Ge2Se6 monoclinic P21/n a 11.920 b 11.583 c 13.691 β 98.154° [101]
Ho2(μ-OH)2(tepa)2(μ-Ge2Se6) orthorhombic Pbca a 12.1791 b 13.487 c 20.346 [60]
(H2peha)[Er2(μ-OH)2(tepa)2Cl2]{[Er2(μ-OH)2(tepa)2Cl]2(μ-Ge2Se6)}[Ge2Se6]Cl2 triclinic P1 a 9.1544 b 17.382 c 19.443, α 102.994° β 95.306° γ 101.406° [60]
(H3O)[Tm(teta)2][Ge2Se6] orthorhombic Pccn a 13.7846 b 14.3998 c 17.9221 [95]
Tm2(tepa)2(μ-OH)2(μ-Ge2Se6) orthorhombic Pbca a 12.1702 b 13.528 c 20.281 [106]
Li2HgGeSe4 602.90 orthorhombic Pna21 a=14.150 b=8.260 c=6.692 Z=4 782.2 5.119 yellow [107]
Na2Hg3Ge2Se8 1424.61 tetragonal P4c2 a=9.1938 c=9.5437 Z=2 806.69 5.865 red [107]
SrHgGeSe4 orthorhombic Ama2 a 10.8375 b 10.7456 c 6.6377 NLO 5 × AgGaS2 [108]
BaHgGeSe4 orthorhombic Ama2 a 11.255 b 11.033 c 6.685 NLO 5 × AgGaS2 [108]
EuHgGeSe4 orthorhombic Ama2 a 10.6530 b 10.5990 c 6.5986 band gap; SHG 3.1 × AgGaS2 [109]
TlGaGeSe4 orthorhombic Pnma a= 17.4742 b= 7.4105 c= 11.9406 Z=8 1546.22 5.692 red [50]
Tl2Ga2GeSe6 tetragonal I4/mmc a = 8.0770 c = 6.2572 Z = 4 [110]
TlInGeSe4 702 monoclinic P21/c a= 7.586 b= 12.134 c=18.023 β= 96.037° Z=8 1649.8 5.653 yellow [72]
TlInGe2Se6 trigonal R3 a = 10.1798 c = 9.2872 band gap 2.38 eV [111]
α-Pb2GeSe4 [57]
Na0.5Pb1.75GeSe4 cubic I43d a = 14.662 [97]
PbGa2GeSe6 melt 687 °C; phase transition 522 °C [112]
Pb4Ga4GeSe12 [112]
Pb3Ga2GeSe8 P421c melt incongruently 656 °C [112]
Sr1.31Pb0.69GeSe4 orthorhombic Ama2 a = 10.31220 b = 10.39320 c = 7.42140 [57]
Sr0.19Pb1.81GeSe4 I42d a = 14.6177 [57]
Sr12.6Pb6.4Ge11Se44 hexagonal P63 a = 19.9867 c = 12.0546 4170.28 black; band gap 1.8 eV [113]
Ag0.5Pb1.75GeS3Se band gap 2.0 eV [114]


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