List of bibliographies of works on Catullus
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Gaius Valerius Catullus (c. 84 – c. 54 BCE) was a Latin poet and a leading figure of the Neoterics.[1] Catullus and his poetry, comprising 113 poems,[1] have been the subjects of many books and papers in classical studies and other fields, including literary criticism, gender studies, and cultural studies;[2] there are many critical editions, commentaries, translations and student guides of his poetry as well. Even in 1890, Max Bonnet wrote that Catullus was "inundated" with academic publications concerning his life and works.[3] In the early 1970s, Kenneth Quinn wrote, "Scarcely an issue appears of any of the major classical periodicals without at least one article on Catullus; new translations come out almost yearly".[4] More than two thousand publications about Catullus appeared between 1959 and 2003.[5] Denis Feeney has described Catullus 68 alone as having "legions of critics", producing a "labyrinth" of literature.[6] The main bibliographic reference for classical studies is L'Année philologique,[7] a journal founded by Jules Marouzeau;[8] each volume contains a list of works published on Catullus that year.[9] However, expert guidance via specific bibliographies and survey articles remains useful as this index can be inconvenient to use.[10] Curated bibliographies are still important resources even with the rise of online search tools such as Google Scholar.[11] Various bibliographies and literature reviews have attempted to systematically cover books, chapters, articles, dissertations, and other research about Catullus and his poetry to help students and scholars find their way through the literature.

Conrad Bursian's Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft was a journal known for its articles reviewing work on classical authors or topics;[12] German classicists such as Richard Richter , Hugo Magnus , and Hans Rubenbauer contributed several surveys of Catullan studies over the course of the journal's publication in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.[13] R. G. C. Levens's chapter "Catullus" in Fifty Years of Classical Scholarship and Jean Granarolo's article "Où en sont nos connaissances sur Catulle?" in L'Information littéraire both overviewed the state of Catullan scholarship up through the 1950s, prior to R. A. B. Mynors's influential edition for Oxford Classical Texts.[14] The 1958 publication of Mynors's text marked the start of a resurgence of scholarship of Catullus continuing through 1970.[15] The period 1934–1969 in Catullan research is covered by a pair of articles in The Classical World;[16] this journal is known for its bibliographic reports.[17] Quinn's "Trends in Catullan Criticism" was published in the book series Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt in 1973; this series mostly comprises survey articles, with many devoted to reviews of scholarship on Roman authors.[18] Lustrum, a review journal devoted to comprehensive surveys of classical scholarship,[19] published surveys by Granarolo in 1976 and 1987.[20] The 1970s and 1980s also marked the appearance of two bibliographic books on Catullus: one by Hermann Harrauer in 1979 and another by James P. Holoka in 1985. Marilyn B. Skinner's 270-page article for Lustrum covers 1985–2015, picking up from Granarolo's earlier publications for the journal;[21] T. P. Wiseman included Skinner's survey as one of a handful of "standard works of Catullan reference".[22] Several Catullan bibliographies exist online;[23] these online resources can be continually updated unlike those in print.[24] David Konstan, a compiler of Oxford Bibliographies Online's bibliography of Catullus, wrote "in the future, online bibliographies [...] will be the rule".[25]
Various kinds of references have been included alongside self-contained bibliographies and research reports on Catullus. Some bibliographies are on related subjects such as Lesbia (a major character in many of Catullus's poems, generally thought to be a pseudonym for Clodia[1]) or the Codex Traguriensis (a 15th-century manuscript in the Bibliothèque nationale de France containing Catullus's poetry); others are on broader topics such as Roman elegy, meter, or Latin literature as a whole. Certain books on Catullus have had their references identified as being particularly useful from a bibliographic point of view. Tertiary sources such as Mauriz Schuster 's entry in Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft also have been cited for their review of past scholarship. Items are added to this list only if other sources have specifically cited them within broader metabibliographic discussion of bibliographies and research surveys of Catullus.

- Richter, Richard [in German] (1873). "Jahresbericht über Catull, Tibull, Properz". Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (in German). 2 (published 1876): 1447–1454.[26]
- Survey of ten publications about Catullus, Tibullus, and Propertius, published 1873–1874, mostly about textual criticism.[27]
- Magnus, Hugo [in German] (1876). "Zur Litteratur des Catullus". Neue Jahrbücher für Philologie und Paedagogik (in German). 113: 402–414.[26]
- Discusses Emil Baehrens's Analecta Catulliana and Rudolf Peiper 's Q. Valerius Catullus: Beiträge zur Kritik seiner Gedichte.[28]
- Richter, Richard (1876). "Bericht über Catull und die auf Catull, Tibull, Properz gemeinsam bezüglichen Schriften für die Jahre 1874, 1875 und 1876". Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (in German). 6 (published 1878): 300–335.[26]
- Magnus, Hugo (1887). "Bericht über die Litteratur zu Catull und Tibull für die Jahre 1877–1886". Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (in German). 51 (published 1889): 145–372 [145–300].[29]
- Has separate sections for Catullus and Tibullus with 226 entries between them. Each section is divided into subsections.[30]
- Magnus, Hugo (1898). "Bericht über die Litteratur zu Catull für die Jahre 1887–1896". Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (in German). 97 (published 1899): 190–219.
——— (1899). "Bericht über die Litteratur zu Catull für die Jahre 1887–1896". Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (in German). 101 (published 1900): 84–141.[31]- First part includes more general publications; second includes works on specific parts of Catullan scholarship, for instance textual criticism, meter, or language.[32]
- Gleditsch, H. (1899). "Jahresbericht über die Erscheinungen auf dem Gebiete der griechischen und römischen Metrik". Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (in German). 102 (published 1900): 1–64 [58–59].[33]
- On Catullus and meter.[34]

- Magnus, Hugo (1905). "Bericht über die Literatur zu Catullus für die Jahre 1897–1904". Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft (in German). 126 (published 1906): 108–148.[31]
- Divided into two sections: the first part includes more general publications and the second includes works on specific parts of Catullan scholarship.[32]
- Gruppe, Otto (1908). "Catull". Bericht über die Literatur zur antiken Mythologie und Religionsgeschichte aus den Jahren 1898–1905. Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft: Supplementband (in German). Vol. 137. pp. 165–167.[34]
- Schulze, K. P. (1920). "Bericht über die Literatur zu Catullus für Jahre 1905–1920". Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft (in German). 183: 1–72.[35]
- First part of the survey includes editions, and scholarship on meter, biographies of Catullus, and textual criticism; the second part is about research on the language and grammar in Catullus's works.[32]
- Rubenbauer, Hans [in German] (1927). "Bericht über die Literatur zu Catullus für die Jahre 1920–1925/26". Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft (in German). 212: 169–214. hdl:2027/mdp.39015030982543.[36]
- Survey comprises four sections, compiling general works, editions, translations, and scholarship on individual poems.[32]
- Schanz, Martin; Hosius, Carl [in German] (1927). "C. Valerius Catullus". Geschichte der römischen Literatur bis zum Gesetzgebungswerk des Kaisers Justinian. Teil I. Die römische Literature in der Zeit der Republik. Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft (in German). Vol. VIII.1 (4th ed.). München: C. H. Beck. pp. 292–307. hdl:2027/wu.89013503776.[37]
- Bickel, Ernst (1937). "Elegie und Epigram, Idyll, Lied und Gedicht: Catull". Lehrbuch der Geschichte der römischen Literatur. Bibliothek der klassischen Altertumswissenschaften (in German). Vol. VIII. Heidelberg: Winter. pp. 523–533.[40]

- Herescu, N. I. (1943). "Catullus". Bibliographie de la littérature latine (in French). Paris: Les Belles Lettres. pp. 45–49.[43]
- Has publications up through 1940.[44]
- Bignone, Ettore (1945). "Bibliografia: C. Valerio Catullo". La prosa romana sino all'età di Cesare, Lucilio, Lucrezio, Catullo. Storia della letteratura latina (in Italian). Vol. 2. Florence: Sansoni. pp. 463–467.[45]
- Appendix to a chapter on Catullus (pp. 343–426) within a series on Roman literature.[46] Bibliography largely focuses on the prior fifty years.[47] Sections: "Edizioni", "Studi", "Su Lesbia", "Sui singoli carmi: a proposito del cc. 61 e 62", "Su altre poesie", "Sulla lingua, sullo stile e sulla metrica", and "Sulla fortuna".
- Fuchs, Harald [in German] (1947). "Rückschau und Ausblick im Arbeitsbereich der lateinischen Philologie". Museum Helveticum (in German). 4 (3): 147–198 [180–181]. JSTOR 24811418.[48]
- Bibliographic paper with 120 footnotes overall.[49] Discussion on Catullus includes sources related to Catullus 51 and Sappho, as well as Catullus 66 and Callimachus.[50]
- Schuster, Mauriz [in German] (1948). "C. Valerius Catullus". Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (in German). Vol. VII A, 2. Stuttgart: Alfred Druckenmüller. cols. 2353–2410.[51]
- Braga, Domenico (1950). "Catullo (1938–1948)". Doxa (in Italian). 3. Tumminelli: 161–190.[53]
- Menéndez Pelayo, Marcelino (1950). "Catulo". In Sánchez Reyes, Enrique (ed.). Bibliografía hispano–latina clásica: II (Catulo–Cicerón...). Edición nacional de las obras completas de Menéndez Pelayo (in Spanish). Vol. 45. Madrid: Santander. pp. 7–100.[50]
- Büchner, Karl [in German] (1951). "Catull und die römische Elegie". In Büchner, Karl; Hofmann, J. B. [in German] (eds.). Lateinische Literatur und Sprache in der Forschung seit 1937. Wissenschaftliche Forschungsberichte. Geisteswissenschaftliche Reihe (in German). Vol. 6. Berne: Francke. pp. 33–49 [33–41].[55]
- Levens, R. G. C. (1954). "Catullus". In Platnauer, Maurice (ed.). Fifty Years of Classical Scholarship. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. pp. 284–305.[59]
- Surveys scholarship from the beginning of the 20th century through c. 1953. Divided into six sections: "Editions"; "Translations"; "Biography"; "Literary History and Criticism"; "Manuscripts and Text"; "Language, Metre and Style".[32] Summarizes conclusions of studies and also gives his own criticisms and evaluations of them.[60] Unrevised, without update, in the second edition;[b][61] a photographic reprint using this pagination appears in Quinn's Approaches to Catullus.[c][62]
- Ferrero, Leonardo (1955). "Note". Interpretazione di Catullo (in Italian). Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier. pp. 425–454.[63]
- Wendell Clausen's review of this book said, "Perhaps the most valuable [...] part of the book is the detailed bibliography".[64]
- Granarolo, Jean (1956). "Où en sont nos connaissances sur Catulle?". L'Information littéraire (in French). 8 (2): 56–65.[65]
- Discusses change in research trends from 19th to 20th centuries,[32] such as an increased emphasis of Catullus's personality.[66] Sections include: "Texte", "Le recueil", "Dualité ou unité?", "Caritas, fides et fœdus", "Catulle était-il un mystique?", "Hellénisme ou romanité?", and "Problèmes de facture".[67] Photographically reprinted in Quinn's Approaches to Catullus.[d][62]
- Schuster, Mauriz; Eisenhut, W. [in German], eds. (1958). Catulli Veronensis Liber (in Latin) (Corr. of 2nd ed.). Leipzig: Teubner.[68]
- Horváth István Károly [in Hungarian] (1959). "Korszakok és irányok a Catullus-filológia történetében" [Époques et tendances dans l'histoire des recherches sur Catulle] (PDF). Antik Tanulmányok: Studia Antiqua (in Hungarian). 6: 123–135. Archived (PDF) from the original on 29 October 2022.[26]
- Puccioni, Giulio (1959). "La poesia di Catullo nella critica recente". Annuario 1949–1959 del Liceo-Ginnasio G. Carducci di Viareggio (in Italian). Pisa: Giardini: 54–77.[69]

- Leon, Harry J. (1960). "A Quarter Century of Catullan Scholarship (1934–1959)". The Classical World. 53 (4): 104–113. doi:10.2307/4344282. JSTOR 4344282.
——— (1960). "A Quarter Century of Catullan Scholarship (1934–1959), II". The Classical World. 53 (5): 141–148. doi:10.2307/4344302. JSTOR 4344302.
——— (1960). "A Quarter Century of Catullan Scholarship (1934–1959), III". The Classical World. 53 (6): 173–180. doi:10.2307/4344322. JSTOR 4344322.
——— (1960). "A Quarter Century of Catullan Scholarship (1934–1959): Supplement". The Classical World. 53 (9): 281–282. doi:10.2307/4344392. JSTOR 4344392.[70]- Arranged by topic, with summaries and commentary.[71] Sections include "Bibliographical Materials"; "Editions and Translations"; "Manuscript Studies"; "General Works on Catullus"; "Chronology of the Life and Writings of Catullus"; "The Circle of Catullus"; "Catullus and Earlier Writers: (Greek; Roman)"; "Influence on Later Writers"; "Studies on Meter", "Language and Style"; and "The Individual Poems". A supplement includes works Leon subsequently became aware of.[72]
- Ooteghem, J. van (1961). "Supplément à la Bibliotheca graeca et latina (1946–1960)". Les Études Classiques (in French). 29 (1): 3–107 [71–73]. Archived (PDF) from the original on 18 November 2022.[73]
- Traglia, Antonio (1961). "Catullo e i poeti nuovi nella critica più recente". Cultura e Scuola (in Italian). 1 (1): 41–47.[75]
- "De Romeinse elegie (I)". Lampadion (in Dutch). 2 (4): 58–64. 1962.[73]
- Nat, P. G. van der (1963). "Catullus (I)". Lampadion (in Dutch). 4 (1): 18–24.
——— (1963–1964). "Catullus (I)". Lampadion (in Dutch). 4 (2/3): 47–60.
——— (1964). "Catullus (I)". Lampadion (in Dutch). 5 (2): 32–48.[78] - Radke, Gerhard [in German] (1964). "Einige Catulliana". Fachbericht. Gymnasium (in German). 71 (5): 442–444.[78]
- Kroymann, J. (1968). "Bibliographie zu Catull für die Jahre 1929–1967". In Kroll, Wilhelm (ed.). C. Valerius Catullus (in German) (5th ed.). Stuttgart: B. G. Teubner. pp. 301–318.[81]

- Fedeli, Paolo [in Italian] (1971). "Su alcune tendenze recenti della critica catulliana". Bollettino di Studi Latini (in Italian). 1 (3): 419–446.[83]
- Focuses on six works published between 1967 and 1970, including Henry Bardon 's 1970 edition of Catullus.[32]
- Thomson, D. F. S. (1971). "Recent Scholarship on Catullus (1960–69)". The Classical World. 65 (4): 116–126. JSTOR 4347610.[84]
- Smolenaars, J. J. L. (1971). "Catullus (II)". Lampas (in Dutch). 4 (1): 126–130. Archived from the original on 5 December 2022.
——— (1972). "Catullus (II) vervolg". Lampas (in Dutch). 5 (1): 84–96. Archived from the original on 19 December 2022.
——— (1972). "Catullus II (slot)". Lampas (in Dutch). 5 (2): 177–192. Archived from the original on 19 December 2022.[86]- A continuation of Van der Nat (1963–1964). It includes 135 entries with 1970 as its endpoint.[32] Sections: "Kronieken", "Edities, commentaren, vertalingen", "Studies over aspecten van Catullus' poëzie" (subsections: "A. Algemene aspecten", "B. Tekstoverlevering en tekstkritiek", "C. Studies over taal, stijl en metriek", "D. Relaties met Griekse en Latijnse poëzie; Nachleben"[32]), and "Studies over afzonderlijke gedichten".
- Hering, Wolfgang [in German] (1972). "Beobachtungen zu Catull c. 68, 41–160". Acta Classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis (in German). 8: 31–61.[87]
- Reviews scholarship on Catullus 68 during the period 1959–1972.[88]
- Loomis, Julia W. (1972). "Bibliography". Studies in Catullan Verse: An Analysis of Word Types and Patterns in the Polymetra. Mnemosyne, Supplements. Vol. 24. Lugdunum Batavorum: E. J. Brill. pp. 153–160. doi:10.1163/9789004327337_013. ISBN 90-04-03429-3.[89]
- Bardon, Henricus [in German], ed. (1973). Catulli Veronensis Carmina (in Latin) (2nd ed.). Stutgardia: B. G. Teubner. ISBN 3-519-01133-6.[92]
- Luck, Georg (1973). "Probleme der römischen Liebeselegie in der neueren Forschung". In Temporini, Hildegard (ed.). Von den Anfängen Roms bis zum Ausgang der Republik: Sprache und Literatur (1. Jahrhundert v. Chr.). Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt (in German). Vol. I.3. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 361–368. doi:10.1515/9783110836424-010. ISBN 3-11-004251-7.[95]
- Reviews previous decade of scholarship on Roman love elegy, with sections on Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, and Ovid.[96]
- Quinn, Kenneth (1973). "Trends in Catullan Criticism". In Temporini, Hildegard (ed.). Von den Anfängen Roms bis zum Ausgang der Republik: Sprache und Literatur (1. Jahrhundert v. Chr.). Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt. Vol. I.3. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 369–389. doi:10.1515/9783110836424-011. ISBN 3-11-004251-7.[97]
- Granarolo, Jean (1973–1974). "Catulle 1948–1973 (codicologie, éditions; environnement, biographie; genèse et spécificité du Liber)". Lustrum (in French). 17 (published 1976): 27–70, 217–218. Archived (PDF) from the original on 19 December 2022.[99]
- Includes 165 numbered entries within six sections: "1. Manuscrits et histoire du texte", "2. Éditions, traductions, commentaires", "3. Cadre historique et littéraire", "4. Repères biographiques et chronologiques", "5. Constitution et disposition du Liber", and "6. Problèmes d'unité psychologique, éthique, idéologique, sentimentale"; an author index is at the end of the volume.[100] Provides summaries and commentary.[71]
- Heine, Rolf [in German] (1975). "Einführung". In Heine, Rolf (ed.). Catull. Wege der Forschung (in German). Vol. 308. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. pp. 1–15. ISBN 3-534-05297-8.[101]
- Stoessl, Franz [in German] (1977). "Verzeichnis der abgekürzt zitierten Literatur". C. Valerius Catullus: Mensch, Leben, Dichtung. Beiträge zur klassischen Philologie (in German). Vol. 85. Meisenheim-am-Glan: Anton Hain. pp. 262–264. ISBN 3-445-01479-5.[105]
- Harrauer, Hermann [in German] (1979). A Bibliography to Catullus. Bibliography to the Augustan Poetry. Vol. III. Hildesheim: Gerstenberg. ISBN 3-8067-0787-1.[108]
- An unannotated bibliography including more than 2,900 entries dating back to 1500. Sources are listed chronologically within 17 main chapters. Entries include references to book reviews.[100] Book contains three indices: passages, topics, and modern authors.[109] Coverage mostly goes to 1976, with occasional works published in 1977.[110]
- Granarolo, Jean (1982). "Bibliographie". Catulle, ce vivant. Collection d'études anciennes (in French). Paris: Les Belles Lettres. pp. 235–253. ISBN 2-251-32-843-2.[111]
- A contemporary book review noted its "very full and useful classified bibliography".[112]
- Traina, Alfonso [in Italian] (1982). "Bibliografia". In Traina, Alfosno; Mandruzzato, Enzo [in Italian] (eds.). Catullo: I canti. I classici della BUR (in Italian). Milano: Rizzoli. pp. 45–54. ISBN 88-17-12398-6.[113]
- Includes reviews of various editions, commentaries, and general studies of Catullus.[113]
- Holoka, James P. (1985). Gaius Valerius Catullus: A Systematic Bibliography. Garland Reference Library of the Humanities. Vol. 513. New York: Garland. ISBN 0-8240-8897-2.[114]
- Covers the period 1878–1981,[5] with occasional items published in 1982 and 1983.[110] Includes 3,111 items within nine chapters. Most entries are unannotated; some have very short descriptions. Includes an author index. Books often include table of contents as well as citations to book reviews.[110] It also makes ample use of cross-referencing.[115]
- Granarolo, Jean (1986–1987). "Catulle 1960–1985". Lustrum (in French). 28–29 (published 1987): 65–106. Archived (PDF) from the original on 19 December 2022.[116]
- Compiles sources related to poetic aspects: influences on Catullus, structures, use of language and style, and metrics.[21]
- Ferguson, John (1988). Catullus. Greece and Rome, New Surveys in the Classics. Vol. 20. Oxford: Clarendon. doi:10.1017/S0533245100021799.[117]
- Each chapter of this survey summarizes the main scholarship on Catullus; the book also has a bibliography.[110] Book has includes sources up through c. 1985.[118] Sections include: "Text", "Life of Catullus", "Did Catullus edit his own book?", "Literary Inheritance", "Catullus and his Weltanschauung", "The Lesbia Poems", "The Polymetrics", "The Elegiac Poems", "Translations", and "Influence".[119]
- Fedeli, Paolo (1990). "Bibliografia". Introduzione a Catullo. Gli Scrittori (in Italian). Vol. 20. Bari: Laterza. pp. 137–168. ISBN 88-420-3680-3.[120]
- Granarolo, Jean (1990). "Introduction à Catulle, Poésies. Présentation de l'œuvre et des problèmes qu'elle soulève (1er partie)". Vita Latina (in French). 119: 2–14. doi:10.3406/vita.1990.1613.
——— (1990). "Introduction à Catulle, Poésies. Présentation de l'œuvre et des problèmes qu'elle soulève (2e partie)". Vita Latina (in French). 120: 2–12. doi:10.3406/vita.1990.1625.[124] - Thomson, D. F. S., ed. (1998) [1997]. Catullus. Phoenix. Supplementary. Vol. 34 (Repr. with corr., 1st ed.). Toronto: University of Toronto Press. doi:10.3138/9781442672789. ISBN 0-8020-0676-0.[128]
- A commentary on Catullus's Carmina.[129] Bibliographic information appear throughout the book: an overview of editions and commentaries, a "Bibliography" (subdivided into "General" and "On the History of the Text"), a list of sources of emendations, and a bibliography for each poem.[130] The sources for each poem go up through approximately 1993;[5] the bibliographies for each poem are limited to sources specifically devoted to that poem versus sources which discuss individual poems in larger contexts.[131]
- Martindale, Charles (1999). "Foreword to the 1999 Edition". The Catullan Revolution. By Quinn, Kenneth (2nd ed.). London: Bristol Classical Press. pp. vii–xxxv. ISBN 1-85399-600-9.[132]

- Scarsi, Mariangela (2000). "Rassegna catulliana (1985–1999)". Bollettino di Studi Latini (in Italian). 30 (1): 143–203.[135]
- Summarizes sources, grouped into eight thematic sections: "1. Biografia e produzione poetica", "2. I carmina docta", "3. Polimetri ed epigrammi", "4. Linguistica e filologia", "5. Antropologia e folklore", "6. Il tema religioso", "7. L'ambiente della cultura cisalpina", and "8. Fortleben". Mostly, but not exclusively, focused on material written in Italian.[136]
- Syndikus, Hans Peter [in German] (2001). "Bibliographischer Nachtrag 2001". Catull. Eine Interpretation (in German). Vol. 3 (2nd, Sd.-Ausg. ed.). Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. pp. 153–179. ISBN 3-534-15069-4.[137]
- Gaisser, Julia Haig (2007). "Introduction: Themes in Catullan Criticism (c. 1950–2000)". In Gaisser, Julia Haig (ed.). Catullus. Oxford Readings in Classical Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 1–24. ISBN 978-0-19-928035-3.[141]
- Introduction to a collection of 28 papers on Catullus.[142] Describes how obscenity, structure, the Neoteric movement, and allusion became a focus of Catulluan research during the 1980s and how Catullan scholars in the 1990s questioned and argued against many of the axioms of New Criticism.[143]
- Valverde Abril, Juan J. (2009). "Bibliografia Clodiana (I): Nota bibliográfica sobre la figura de Clodia-Lesbia". Florentia Iliberritana (in Spanish). 20: 309–343.
——— (2010). "Bibliografia Clodiana (II): Creación artística y literaria en torno a la figura de Clodia-Lesbia". Florentia Iliberritana (in Spanish). 21: 445–464.[135] - Skinner, Marilyn B. (2015). "A Review of Scholarship on Catullus 1985–2015". Lustrum. 57 (published 2017): 91–360. doi:10.13109/lutr.2015.57.1.91. ISBN 978-3-525-80230-4.[145]
- Provides commentary on sources, which are sorted into different thematic sections:[24] "I. Bibliographies, Editions, Textual Criticism and Exegesis, and Commentaries", "II. General Studies", "III. Arrangement of the Corpus", and "IV. Critical Interpretations", themselves divided into further subcategories.[146] Studies on individual poems are "not exhaustive and selected to show trends in opinions on key issues since the mid-1990s."[147]
- Gibertini, Simone (2015). "Per una bibliografia critica del Codex Traguriensis (Paris, B. N. F., Lat. 7989)". Paideia (in Italian). 70: 393–452. doi:10.1400/236554.
——— (2017). "Giunte alla bibliografia critica del manoscritto Paris, B. N. F., Latin 7989: 1816–1954". Paideia (in Italian). 72: 725–739. doi:10.1400/254571.
——— (2018). "Integrazioni alla bibliografia critica del Codex Traguriensis (Paris, B. N. F., Latin 7989): 1961–1999". Paideia (in Italian). 73 (1): 81–92. doi:10.1400/257071.[148]- Bibliography (1664–2014) of the Codex Traguriensis, a manuscript with the Cena Trimalchionis and poetry by Tibullus, Propertius, Catullus, and Claudian.[149] Addenda include additional works and indices of names, subjects, places, and manuscripts.[150]

- Cuypers, Martine (2012). "Catullus". A Hellenistic Bibliography. Archived from the original on 19 December 2022.[152]
- Primarily about the influence of Hellenistic poetry on Catullus,[24] but works on related topics are also included.[153]
- Holzberg, Niklas [in German] (2014). "Catull". Das griechische und römische Epigramm: Eine Bibliographie (.doc) (in German). München: Bibliographien zur antiken Literatur. pp. 108–197. Archived from the original on 21 November 2022.[154]
- Has an alphabetical listing, followed by systematic groupings by reference types, research topics, and poems covered.[154]
- Kiss, Dániel (2017). "Bibliography". Catullus Online: An Online Repertory of Conjectures on Catullus. Archived from the original on 26 November 2022.[155]
- Sources for Kiss's critical apparatus, which aims to compile every conjecture on Catullus since 1472.[156] The bibliography contains 932 entries as of November 2019[update].[157]
- Wikipedia contributors (2018). "Talk:Catullus/References". Wikipedia.[158]
- Created as part of the defunct WikiProject for Catullus. Categorized by poem; incomplete coverage.[158]
- Konstan, David; Skinner, Marilyn B. (2019). Catullus. Oxford Bibliographies: Classics. Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/obo/9780195389661-0010.[159]
- Witzke, Serena S., ed. (2019). "Bibliographies: Catullus". Diotíma. 3.0. Women's Classical Caucus. Archived from the original on 27 October 2022.[144]
- Sources relevant to scholarship on views of women, gender, and sexuality in classical antiquity.[136] Sorted alphabetically by author.[160]
Works cited
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