Japan–United Kingdom relations

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Japan–United Kingdom relations

Japan–United Kingdom relations (日英関係, Nichieikankei) are the bilateral relations between Japan and the United Kingdom.

Quick Facts United Kingdom, Diplomatic mission ...
Japanese–British relations


United Kingdom
Diplomatic mission
Embassy of Japan, LondonBritish Embassy, Tokyo
Ambassador of Japan to the United Kingdom
Hiroshi Suzuki
(since November 2024)
Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Japan
Julia Longbottom
(since 1 March 2021)
Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and King Charles III at Buckingham Palace, 2024. Monarchs of both countries have exchanged their highest honours since 1906.



The history of the relationship between Japan and England began in 1600 with the arrival of William Adams (Adams the Pilot, Miura Anjin), the first of very few non-Japanese samurai, on the shores of Kyushu at Usuki in present-day Ōita Prefecture.[citation needed] During the Sakoku period (1641–1853), there were no formal relations between the two countries, while the Dutch acted as intermediaries.[citation needed]

Formal diplomatic ties began with the treaty of 1854, which eventually led to the Anglo-Japanese Alliance of 1902.[citation needed] This alliance marked the end of Britain's 'splendid isolation' since 1815, while, for Japan, it brought much-needed British support ahead of the looming Russo-Japanese War. Japan's victory over Russia solidified the alliance, which lasted for two decades. However, American pressure and the subsequent Four-Power Treaty of 1921 brought it to an end.[citation needed]

Relations deteriorated rapidly during the 1930s due to the Japanese invasion of Manchuria, and the cutoff of oil supplies in 1941 further escalated tensions.[citation needed] Japan declared war in December 1941 and, with overwhelming force, seized most British possessions east of India, including Hong Kong, British Borneo (with its vital oil reserves), Malaya, Singapore, and Burma. However, the British began pushing Japanese forces back after they reached the outskirts of India.[citation needed]

Relations improved in the 1950s–1970s and, as memories of the conflict faded, grew increasingly warm. In the 1970s, Emperor Hirohito and Queen Elizabeth II paid state visits to each other’s countries.[citation needed] Today, the United Kingdom and Japan have strong economic ties, with both being members of the G7 and the CPTPP. The two nations are also collaborating in the field of defence, most notably through the GCAP programme, the joint development of the next-generation fighter jet alongside Italy.[citation needed]

Chronology of Japanese–British relations



  • 1577. Richard Wylles writes about the people, customs and manners of Giapan in the History of Travel published in London.
    Mercator based map of Japan (1570)
  • 1580. Richard Hakluyt advises the first English merchants to find a new trade route via the Northwest passage to trade wool for silver with Japan (sending two Barque ships, the George piloted by Arthur Pet and William by Charles Jackman) which returned unsuccessfully by Christmas the same year.[1]
  • 1587. Two young Japanese men named Christopher and Cosmas sailed on a Spanish galleon to California, where their ship was captured by Thomas Cavendish. Cavendish brought the two Japanese men with him to England where they spent approximately three years before going again with him on his last expedition to the South Atlantic where they were heading to Japan to begin trade relations. They are the first known Japanese men to have set foot in the British Isles.[2]
  • 1593. Richard Hawkins leaves England on board the Dainty in a bid to discover the 'Iſlands of Japan' via the Magellan Strait in 1594, the very route William Adams would take himself in 1599.[3] Hawkins however was captured by the Spanish at Peru, only returning in 1603 after a ransom of £12,000 was paid by his mother for his release.


William Adams meets Tokugawa Ieyasu (1564–1620)
The 1613 letter of King James I remitted to Tokugawa Ieyasu (preserved in the Tokyo University archives)
  • 1613. Following an invitation from William Adams in Japan, the English captain John Saris arrived at Hirado Island in the ship Clove with the intent of establishing a trading factory. Adams and Saris travelled to Suruga Province where they met with Tokugawa Ieyasu at his principal residence in September before moving on to Edo where they met Ieyasu's son Hidetada. During that meeting, Hidetada gave Saris two varnished suits of armour for King James I, today housed in the Tower of London.[5] On their way back, they visited Tokugawa once more, who conferred trading privileges on the English through a Red Seal permit giving them "free licence to abide, buy, sell and barter" in Japan.[6] The English party headed back to Hirado Island on 9 October 1613. However, during the ten-year activity of the company between 1613 and 1623, apart from the first ship (Clove in 1613), only three other English ships brought cargoes directly from London to Japan.
  • 1623. The Amboyna massacre was perpetrated by the Dutch East India Company. After the incident England closed its commercial base at Hirado Island, now in Nagasaki Prefecture, without notifying Japan. After this, the relationship ended for more than two centuries.
  • 1625. A number of documents including the Iaponian Charter, are the first published translated Japanese documents into English by Samuel Purchas.


  • 1639. Tokugawa Iemitsu announced his Sakoku policy. Only the Dutch Republic was permitted to retain limited trade rights.
  • 1640. Uriemon Eaton the son of William Eaton (a worker at the EIC post in Japan) and Kamezo (a Japanese woman), becomes the first Japanese to join Academia in England as a scholar at Trinity College, Cambridge.
Japan and Kore (1646)
  • 1646. Robert Dudley publishes a detailed original map of Japan and Yezo in his Secrets of the Sea treatise, based on the Mercator Projection.
  • 1668. 25 February. Henry Oldenburg addresses the Royal Society on the letters of Richard Cocks, particularly noting English trading privileges from the time of Cocks, striking new interest in trade with Japan in England. Based on this new interest, surviving member of the original factory William Eaton (fl.1613-1668), was contacted in order to reopen trade between England and Japan.[7]
  • 1670. John Ogilby publishes the first translation of Atlas Japanensis in London, reprinted in 1671 & 1673.[8]
  • 1670. The EIC factories are set up at modern day Taiwan (1670–1685) after Koxinqa invites the British to set up a factory.[9]
  • 1672. Tongking EIC factory begins operations (along with 'Tywan') with the intention by the British to be used as bases for further trade with Japan.
  • 1673. An English ship named Returner visited Nagasaki harbour with factors from the first Hirado factory, and asked for a renewal of trading relations. But the Edo shogunate refused after Dutch prompting. The government cited the withdrawal 50 years earlier, and found it unacceptable that the English king had married the Portuguese Catherine of Braganza, claiming the English to favour the Roman Catholic Church. (c.f. ja:リターン号)
Moxon's 1681 World Map showing Iapan
  • 1683. Molly Verney begins learning Japanning as a handicraft in London.
  • 1703. James Cunninghame FRS attempts to initiate trade with Japan from Cochinchina and the chaplain James Pound in his service notes of VOC activity in Japan until they are attacked by locals in 1705.
  • 1713. Daniel Defoe writes of William Adams and his 'famous voyage to Japan' in his satire Memoirs of Count Tariff.
  • 1723-25. Hans Sloane send the English court physician Johann Georg Steigerthal to Lemgo to retrieve Engelbert Kaempfer's East Asian collection for his personal library.
  • 1727. Johann Caspar Scheuchzer translates and publishes the first edition of Engelbert Kaempfers History of Japan in London.
  • 1731. Arthur Dobbs advocates the finding of the North West Passage to 'be able to send a Squadron of ships, Even to force Japan into a Beneficial Treaty of Commerce with Britain.'
  • 1740. Robert Petre, 8th Baron Petre imports the first Camellia japonica into England.
  • 1741. The Middleton Expedition is launched to find the Northwest Passage with orders to not engage 'Japanese ships' until the following year should they come across one, with plans halting to trade or settle Japan owing to the circumstances surrounding the Seven Years' War.
  • 1745. Thomas Astley reprints by popular demand the Logbook of William Adams in his A New General Collection of Voyages and Travels ; in Europe, Asia, Africa and America under Nippon.[10]
  • 1753. 50 Japanese objects from the Sloane collection acquired by Kaempfer during his residence in Japan are bequeathed to the British Museum.
  • 1791. James Colnett sails HMS Argonaut from Canton to Japan becoming the second unsuccessful attempt at trade with Sakoku Japan.
  • 1796. William Robert Broughton surveys the North-western coast of Japan, becoming shipwrecked on the coast of Miyako-jima.
  • 1808. The Nagasaki Harbour Incident: HMS Phaeton enters Nagasaki and lays an unsuccessful ambush on Dutch shipping.
  • 1812. The British whaler HMS Saracen (1812) stopped at Uraga, Kanagawa and took on water, food, and firewood.
  • 1813. Thomas Raffles attempts trade with Japan under a British flag to oust Dutch trade monopoly, only for the ooperhoofd to fly the ships under Dutch colours, being rescinded by Governor-General of India on the basis of excessive expense in 1814, also finally being halted in May 1815 by Raffles after the handover of the British colony of Java to the Dutch.
  • 1819. The third British ship 'The Brothers' piloted by Captain Peter Gordon, visited Uraga on 17 June seeking to trade with Japan, unsuccessful at Edo to get any treaty.
  • 1819. August 3. The first British Whaler HMS Syren begins to exploit the Japan whaling grounds.
  • 1824. 12 English whalers stray ashore looking for food and are apprehended by Aizawa Seishisai leading to new repulsion acts against foreign vessels.
  • 1830. The convict crew of the Cyprus piloted by William Swallow are repelled under the repulsion acts of 1825.[citation needed]
  • 1831. Discussions are held at the British East India Company to hold a base on the Bonin Islands to trade with Japan and the Ryukyuu Archipelago.
  • 1832. Otokichi, Kyukichi and Iwakichi, castaways from Aichi Prefecture, crossed the Pacific and were shipwrecked on the west coast of North America. The three Japanese men became famous in the Pacific Northwest and probably inspired Ranald MacDonald to go to Japan. They joined a trading ship to the UK, and later Macau. One of them, Otokichi, took British citizenship and adopted the name John Matthew Ottoson. He later made two visits to Japan as an interpreter for the Royal Navy.
  • 1840. Indian Oak becomes shipwrecked off the coast of Okinawa and a junk is built by Okinawan peoples for the survivors.
  • 1842. On the basis of the British naval victory at the First Opium War, the Repel Edicts are renounced by the Bakufu.
  • 1843. Herbert Clifford founds the Loochoo Naval Mission.
  • 1850. Bishop Smith arrives at Ryukyu to carry out missionary work.
  • 1852. Charles MacFarlane publishes Japan: An Account, Geographical and Historical, from the Earliest Period at which the Islands Composing this Empire Were Known to Europeans, Down to the Present Time, and the Expedition fitted out in the United States, which surmises all known European accounts of Japan and travels to Japan before the Ansei Treaties.[11]


The First Japanese Embassy to Europe, in 1862
Japanese Village in Knightsbridge, 1886

20th century

  • Thumb
    Mikasa, the flagship of the Japanese Navy during the Russo-Japanese War, was built in Scotland and is the only remaining expample of a British-built warship in the world.
    1902. The Japanese–British alliance was signed in London on 30 January. It was a diplomatic milestone that saw an end to Britain's splendid isolation, and removed the need for Britain to build up its navy in the Pacific.[14][15]
  • 1905. The Japanese–British alliance was renewed and expanded. Official diplomatic relations were upgraded, with ambassadors being exchanged for the first time.
  • 1907. In July, British thread company J. & P. Coats launched Teikoku Seishi and began to thrive.
  • 1908. The Japan-British Society was founded in order to foster cultural and social understanding.
  • 1909. Fushimi Sadanaru returns to Britain to convey the thanks of the Japanese government for British advice and assistance during the Russo-Japanese War.
Guide to the Japan–British Exhibition of 1910
  • 1910. Sadanaru represents Japan at the state funeral of Edward VII, and meets the new king George V at Buckingham Palace.
  • 1910. The Japan–British Exhibition is held at Shepherd's Bush in London. Japan made a successful effort to display its new status as a great power by emphasizing its new role as a colonial power in Asia.[16]
  • 1911. The Japanese – British alliance was renewed with approval of the quasi-independent dominions (i.e. at the time, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Newfoundland and South Africa).
  • 1913. The IJN Kongō, the last of the British-built warships for Japan's navy, enters service.
  • 1914–1915. Japan joined World War I as Britain's ally under the terms of the alliance and captured German-occupied Tsingtao (Qingdao) in China Mainland. They also help Australia and New Zealand capture archipelagos like the Marshall Islands and the Mariana Islands.
  • 1915. The Twenty-One Demands would have given Japan varying degrees of control over all of China, and would have prohibited European powers from extending their influence in China any further. It is eventually scrapped.[17]
  • 1917. The Imperial Japanese Navy helps the Royal Navy and allied navies patrol the Mediterranean against Central Powers ships.
  • 1917–1935. Close relations between the two countries steadily worsen.[18]
  • 1919. Japan proposes a racial equality clause in negotiations to form the League of Nations, calling for "making no distinction, either in law or in fact, on account of their race or nationality."[19] Britain, which supports the racially discriminatory laws in the dominions, such as the White Australia policy, cannot assent, and the proposal is rejected.
  • 1921. Britain indicates it will not renew the Anglo-Japanese Alliance of 1902 primarily because of opposition from the United States and also Canada.[20]
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    Crown Prince Hirohito and Lloyd George, England, 1921
    1921. Crown Prince Hirohito visited Britain and other Western European countries. It was the first time that a Japanese crown prince had traveled overseas.
  • 1921. Arrival in September of the Sempill Mission in Japan, a British technical mission for the development of Japanese Aero-naval forces. It provided the Japanese with flying lessons and advice on building aircraft carriers; the British aviation experts kept close watch on Japan after that.[21]
  • 1922. Washington Naval Conference concluding in the Four-Power Treaty, Five-Power Treaty, and Nine-Power Treaty; major naval disarmament for 10 years with sharp reduction of Royal Navy & Imperial Navy. The Treaties specify that the relative naval strengths of the major powers are to be UK = 5, US = 5, Japan = 3, France = 1.75, Italy = 1.75. The powers will abide by the treaty for ten years, then begin a naval arms race.[22]
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    Edward, Prince of Wales and Lord Mountbatten wearing Japanese costumes at a Takashimaya during their visit to Japan in 1922
    1922. Edward, Prince of Wales travelling on HMS Renown, arrives in Yokohama on 12 April for a four-week official visit to Japan.
  • 1923. The Japanese-British alliance was officially discontinued on 17 August in response to U.S. and Canadian pressure.
  • 1930. The London disarmament conference angers Japanese Army and Navy. Japan's navy demanded parity with the United States and Britain, but was rejected; it maintained the existing ratios and Japan was required to scrap a capital ship. Extremists assassinate Japan's prime minister, and the military takes more power.[23]
  • 1931. September. Japanese Army seizes control of Manchuria, which China has not controlled in decades. It sets up a puppet government. Britain and France effectively control the League of Nations, which issues the Lytton Report in 1932, saying that Japan had genuine grievances, but it acted illegally in seizing the entire province. Japan quits the League, Britain takes no action.[24][25]
  • 1934. The Royal Navy sends ships to Tokyo to take part in a naval parade in honour of the late Admiral Tōgō Heihachirō, one of Japan's greatest naval heroes, the "Nelson of the East".
  • 1937. The Kamikaze, a prototype of the Mitsubishi Ki-15, travels from Tokyo to London, the first Japanese-built aircraft to land in Europe, for the coronation of George VI and Elizabeth. Prince and Princess Chichibu represent Japan at the coronation.
  • 1938 Yokohama Specie Bank acquired HSBC.[26]
  • 1939. The Tientsin Incident almost causes an Anglo-Japanese war when the Japanese blockade the British concession in Tientsin, China.

World War II

Post War

Diana, Princess of Wales visited both in 1986 and 1995.

21st century

Second Japan-UK Foreign and Defence Ministerial Meeting on 8 January 2016 in Tokyo

See also the chronology on the website of British Embassy, Tokyo.[62]

Britons in Japan

Embassy of the United Kingdom in Tokyo

The chronological list of Heads of the United Kingdom Mission in Japan.

Japanese in the United Kingdom

Embassy of Japan in London

The family name is given in italics. Usually the family name comes first in regards to Japanese historical figures, but in modern times not so for the likes of Kazuo Ishiguro and Katsuhiko Oku, both well known in the United Kingdom.

Sadayakko as Ophelia in Hamuretto (1903)


Japanese School in London
In Japan
In the UK
Former institutions in the UK

Cultural relations


British sports had an impact on Japan during the Meiji modernisation.[67] Cricket was present in Japan's foreign settlements, played by both British and American expatriates, until baseball grew in popularity by the early 20th century.[68]

List of Japanese diplomatic envoys in the United Kingdom (partial list)

Ministers plenipotentiary


List of ambassadors of the United Kingdom to Japan

See also


Further reading

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