Australians all let us rejoice
For we are one and free
We've golden soil and wealth for toil
Our home is girt by sea
Our land abounds in nature's gifts
Of beauty, rich and rare
In history's page let every stage
Advance Australia fair
In joyful strains then let us sing
Advance Australia fair
Beneath our radiant Southern Cross
We'll toil with hearts and hands
To make this Commonwealth of ours
Renowned of all the lands
For those who've across the seas
We've boundless plains to share
With courage let us all combine
To advance Australia fair
In joyful strains then let us sing
Advance Australia fair |
[əˈstɹæɪ̯ɫjənz oːɫ ɫet ɐs ɹɪˈd͡ʒoɪ̯s]
[foː(ɹ) wɪi̯ ɐː(ɹ) wɐn æːnd fɹɪi̯]2
[wɪi̯v ˈgɐʉ̯ɫdən soɪ̯ɫ æːnd weɫθ foː(ɹ) tʰoɪ̯ɫ]
[ˈæɔ̯(ɹ) hɐʉ̯m ɪz gɵː(ɹ)t bɑe̯ sɪi̯]
[ˈæɔ̯(ɹ) ɫæːnd əˈbæɔ̯ndz ɪn ˈnæɪ̯t͡ʃə(ɹ)z gɪfts]
[ɐv ˈbjʉːtɪi̯ ɹɪt͡ʃ æːnd ɹeː(ɹ)]
[ɪn ˈhɪstəɹɪi̯z pʰæɪ̯d͡ʒ, ɫet ˈev(ə)ɹɪi̯ stæɪ̯d͡ʒ]
[ədˈvæːns əˈstɹæɪ̯ɫjə feː(ɹ)]
[ɪn ˈd͡ʒoɪ̯fəɫ stɹæɪ̯nz ðen ɫet ɐs sɪŋ]
[ədˈvæːns əˈstɹæɪ̯ɫjə feː(ɹ)]
[bɪˈnɪi̯θ ˈæɔ̯(ɹ) ˈɹæɪ̯djənt ˈsɐðə(ɹ)n kɹɔs]
[wɪi̯ɫ tʰoɪ̯ɫ wɪð hɐː(ɹ)ts æːnd hæːndz]
[tʰʉː mæɪ̯k ðɪs ˈkʰɔmənˌweɫθ ɐv ˈæɔ̯(ɹ)z]
[ɹɪˈnæɔ̯nd ɐv oːɫ ðə ɫæːndz]
[foː(ɹ) ðɐʉ̯z hʉːv kʰɐm əˈkɹɔs ðə sɪi̯z]
[wɪi̯v ˈbæɔ̯ndɫəs pɫæɪ̯nz tʰʉː ʃeː(ɹ)]
[wɪð ˈkʰɵːɹəd͡ʒ ɫet ɐs oːɫ ˈkʰɔmbɑe̯n]
[tʰʉː ədˈvæːns əˈstɹæɪ̯ɫjə feː(ɹ)]
[ɪn ˈd͡ʒoɪ̯fəɫ stɹæɪ̯nz ðen ɫet ɐs sɪŋ]
[ədˈvæːns əˈstɹæɪ̯ɫjə feː(ɹ)] |
Awstraliaid i gyd, llawenhawn o hyd
Mai un a rhydd ydym ni
Mewn gwlad o bridd aur, a chyfoeth trwy draul,
Cwmpaswyd hi gan y lli:
Ein tir sy’n ffynnu trwy roddion ynni
O harddwch prin a theg,
Yn sgil pob sialens y llyfr hanes
Tua’r blaen, Awstralia deg.
Mewn seiniau llawen canwn oll:
Tua’r blaen Awstralia deg.
O dan ein Croes Ddeheuol loyw,
Llafurwn â chalon a llaw
I wneud y Gymanwlad annwyl hon
Yn enwog trwy’r byd hwnt a thraw.
I’r sawl wedi dod ar draws y môr
Mae’r gwastadoedd di-ffin yn anrheg
Mewn dewrder cytûn ddyrchafwn bob un
Tua’r blaen Awstralia deg.
Mewn seiniau llawen canwn oll:
Tua’r blaen Awstralia deg. |