Premiu Independent Spirit al meyor actor

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Los Independent Spirit Award son unos premios añales daos pola "Film Independent", una organización ensin fines d'arriquecimientu dedicada a promocionar el cine independiente, alloñáu de los grandes estudios cinematográficos.

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Premiu Independent Spirit al meyor actor
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De siguío amuésase un llistáu colos ganadores del Independent Spirit Award al meyor actor.

Más información Añu, Actor ...
AñuActorPelículaTítulu orixinal
2016 Casey Affleck Manchester xunto al mar Manchester by the sea
2015 Abraham Attah Beasts of Non Nation Beasts of Non Nation
2014Michael KeatonBirdmanBirdman
2013Matthew McConaugheyEl club de los desanunciaos[1]Dallas Buyers Club
2012John HawkesSeis sesiones de sexu[2]The Sessions
2011Jean DujardinL'artistaThe Artist
2010James Franco127 Hours127 Hours
2009Jeff BridgesCrazy HeartCrazy Heart
2008Mickey RourkeThe WrestlerThe Wrestler
2007Philip Seymour HoffmanThe SavagesThe Savages
2006Ryan GoslingHalf NelsonHalf Nelson
2005Philip Seymour HoffmanCapoteCapote
2004Paul GiamattiSidewaysSideways
2003Bill MurrayLost in TranslationLost in Translation
2002Derek LukeAntwone FisherAntwone Fisher
2001Tom WilkinsonIn the BedroomIn the Bedroom
2000Javier BardemBefore Night FallsBefore Night Falls
1999Richard FarnsworthThe Straight StoryThe Straight Story
1998Ian McKellenDioses y bisarmesGods and Monsters
1997Robert DuvallL'apóstol o Camín al cieluThe Apostle
1996William H. MacyFargoFargo
1995Sean PennPena de muerteDead Man Walking
1994Samuel L. JacksonPulp FictionPulp Fiction
1993Jeff BridgesAmerican HeartAmerican Heart
1992Harvey KeitelBad LieutenantBad Lieutenant
1991River PhoenixMy Own Private IdahoMy Own Private Idaho
1990Danny GloverTo Sleep with AngerTo Sleep with Anger
1989Matt DillonDrugstore CowboyDrugstore Cowboy
1988Edward James OlmosStand and DeliverStand and Deliver
1987Dennis QuaidThe Big EasyThe Big Easy
1986James WoodsSalvadorSalvador
1985M. Emmet WalshBlood SimpleBlood Simple


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