Lech Wałęsa (geboren on þǣm 29 dæge Hāligmōnaðes 1943) is Polisc wealdsēcend and ǣr gebundengyldes cræftes and menniscra rihta wyrcend. Hē efnestaðolode Soliditary (Solidarność), þæs Sofietan geþoftscipes forma ānstandende gebundengyld cræftes, feng þā Nobel Hēahgiefe Friðes on 1983, and weorcode tō þǣm Foresittende Polalandes from þǣm 1990 gēare oþ þæt 1995 gēar.[1]

Lech Walesa (2009)

Līf and weorcstǣr

Wałęsa wæs geboren in Popowe on Polalande, on þǣm nigon and twentigoðan dæge Hāligmōnaðes 1943. Hē wæs gerǣred on earmum cynne and his fæder wæs trēowwyrhta. He mētte forman scole and cræfta scole in Popowe, fore þe hē mētte Leninscipgeard on Gdańske (Stocznia Gdańska im. Lenina, nū Stocznia Gdańska) tō spearcawyrcendum cræftmenn on 1970. In 1969 hē wīfode Danute Gołośe, and se tēam nū hæfþ eahta cildru[1]. His sunu Jarosław Wałęsa wæs gegylda Polalandes Sejmes (læsse hūs þæs Poliscan gemōtes); nū is gegylda Europisces Gemōtes. Lech Wałęsa is ǣfæst Rēmisc Crīsten, and hafaþ gesægd þæt his gelēafa ā helpode him under Solidarityes hefigum tīmum.

Seoh ēac



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