Cat Stevens u Yusuf Islam,[1] nombre artistico de Steven Demetre Georgiou, naixito de Londres o 21 de chulio de 1948, ye un cantaire y musico (guitarrista) britanico, activo en o mundo d'a musica dende meyatos d'os anyos 1960.

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Cat Stevens / Yusuf Islam
Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens) en una actuación en 1976.
Información personal
NombreSteven Demetre Georgiou
Naixió21 de chulio de 1948 Londres (Reino Uniu)
Información musical
EstiloFolk rock, musica pop
OcupanciaCantaire y musico
InstrumentosVoz, guitarra
Tiempo1966-1978 y 2006-
Relacionau con


Como Cat Stevens


  • 1966: Matthew and Son.
  • 1967: New Masters.
  • 1970: Tea for the Tillerman.
  • 1970: Mona Bone Jakon.
  • 1971: Teaser and the Firecat.
  • 1972: Catch Bull at Four.
  • 1973: Foreigner.
  • 1974: Buddha and the Chocolate Box.
  • 1974: Saturnight (en concierto, gravato en 1974).
  • 1975: Numbers.
  • 1977: Izitso.
  • 1978: Back to Earth.
  • 2004: Majikat (en concierto, gravato en 1976).


  • 1967: Matthew and Son / I Love My Dog / A Bad Night / The Laughing Apple.
  • 1967: I'm Gonna Get Me a Gun.
  • 1967: A Bad Night.
  • 1967: Kitty.
  • 1968: Lovely City (When Do You Laugh?).
  • 1968: Here Comes My Wife / It’s a Super (Dupa) Life / I'm Gonna Get Me a Gun / School Is Out.
  • 1969: Where Are You / The View from the Top / Lady D'Arbanville / Time-Fill My Eyes.
  • 1970: Lady D'Arbanville / Time-Fill My Eyes Rubylove / Longer Boats.
  • 1971: Wild World / Sad Lisa / Wild World.
  • 1971: Moonshadow / Father and Son / Tuesday’s Dead / Miles from Nowhere.
  • 1971: Tuesday's Dead.
  • 1971: Peace Train / Where Do the Children Play? / Morning Has Broken / Glad I'm Alive.
  • 1971: Morning Has Broken.
  • 1972: Can't Keep It In.
  • 1972: Sitting / Crab Dance - Can't Keep It In / Crab Dance.
  • 1973: The Hurt / Silent Sunlight / Oh Very Young / 100 I Dream.
  • 1974: Oh Very Young / 100 I Dream.
  • 1974: Another Saturday Night.
  • 1974: Ready.
  • 1975: Two Fine People / A Bad Penny
  • 1976: Banapple Gas / Ghost Town Banapple Gas / Ghost Town.
  • 1976: Land O' Freelove and Goodbye.
  • 1977: (Remember the Days of the) Old Schoolyard.
  • 1977: Was Dog a Doughnut.
  • 1979: Bad Brakes.
  • 1979: Last Love Song.
  • 1979: Randy.
  • To Be a Star / How Can I Tell You? / Child for a Day / Kypros bzw. The Doves New York Times / Nascimento.
  • Rubylove / Longer Boats.

Como Yusuf Islam

  • 1995: The Life of the Last Prophet
  • 1996: Welcome to the Qur'an: Gateway to Faith
  • 1998: Prayers of the Last Prophet
  • 1998: I Have No Cannons That Roar
  • 2000: A Is for Allah
  • 2001: Bismillah
  • 2004: I Look, I See
  • 2006: An Other Cup
  • 2009: Roadsinger

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