自中世紀拉丁語 allocō (“分配”),與 alouer 合併為中世紀拉丁語 allaudō,其現在主動不定式 allaudāre,至盎格魯-諾曼語 allouer、alouer,借至中古英語 allowen、alowen 而來。(透过 allaudāre) allaud 或 (透过 allocāre) allocate 的同源對似詞。
與中古英語 alyfen (源自古英語 ālīefan) 和德語 erlauben 皆源自原始日耳曼語 *uzlaubijaną (“允許”)的相似性純屬巧合。
allow (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 allows,現在分詞 allowing,一般過去時及過去分詞 allowed)
- (雙及物) 使有可能
- to allow a servant his liberty; to allow a free passage; to allow one day for rest
- 讓傭人獲得自由;開放免費通行;預留一天時間休息
- 2004年 [1895年], 康斯坦斯加內特 (譯者), “Ariadne”, 出自 The Darling: and Other Stories, 根據安東·契訶夫原著改編的翻譯作品:
- […] he needed a great deal of money, but his uncle only allowed him two thousand roubles a year, which was not enough, and for days together he would run about Moscow with his tongue out, as the saying is.
- […] 他需要一大筆錢,但他的叔叔一年只給他兩千盧布,並不夠,一連幾天,他都在莫斯科四處奔波,就像俗話說的:累得伸舌頭。
- (及物,catenative) 允許,准許
- I will allow my son to be absent.
- 我將允許我的兒子缺席。
- 1992年, 魯道夫馬蒂亞斯舒斯特, The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America: East of the Hundredth Meridian, 第 V 卷, 伊州芝加哥: 菲爾德自然史博物館, →ISBN,第 vii 頁:
- With fresh material, taxonomic conclusions are leavened by recognition that the material examined reflects the site it occupied; a herbarium packet gives one only a small fraction of the data desirable for sound conclusions. Herbarium material does not, indeed, allow one to extrapolate safely: what you see is what you get […]
- 有了新鮮材料,分類學結論得以因認識到所檢驗的材料反映其所佔據的地點而更為完善;標本館包裹僅提供了作出合理結論時所需資料的一小部分。標本館的材料確實無法讓人們安全地進行推測:所見即所得 […]
- 容許
- Although I don't consent to their holding such meetings, I will allow them for the time being.
- 雖然我不贊同他們舉辦這樣的會議,但我暫時會允許他們進行。
- Smoking allowed only in designated areas.
- 僅在指定區域內允許吸菸。
- 2013年7月26日, 里歐希克曼, “How algorithms rule the world”, 出自 衛報周刊, 第 189 卷, 第 7 期,第 26 頁:
- The use of algorithms in policing is one example of their increasing influence on our lives. And, as their ubiquity spreads, so too does the debate around whether we should allow ourselves to become so reliant on them – and who, if anyone, is policing their use.
- 演算法在執法中的應用就是其對我們生活影響日益增長的一個例子。隨著它們的普及,關於我們是否應該容許自己如此依賴它們——以及是否有人在監督它們的使用——的辯論也在擴大。
- (及物) 承認;接受;同意
- to allow a right; to allow a claim; to allow an appeal
- 承認權利;同意主張;接受申請
- You must allow that disagreeing about politics puts a strain on a relationship.
- 你必須承認政治上的分歧會給關係帶來壓力。
- 1855年, 威廉·梅克比斯·薩克萊, The Newcomes:
- I allow, with Mrs. Grundy and most moralists, that Miss Newcome's conduct […] was highly reprehensible.
- 我同意,與格倫迪夫人及大多數道德家一樣,紐康小姐的行為 […] 是極其應受譴責的。
- 2000年, 喬治瑞蒙李察馬丁, 劍刃風暴, Bantam, 出版於 2011年,第 154 頁:
- Half the night passed before the wench allowed that it might be safe to stop.
- 過了半夜,那丫頭才認為停下來可能是安全的。
- (及物) 准許 (扣除或增加某物,尤其是減免或扣除)
- to allow a sum for leakage
- 核准一筆金額作為損耗扣除
- (及物) 預留,考慮
- When calculating a budget for a construction project, always allow for contingencies.
- 在計算建築專案的預算時,務必預留應急費用。
- (及物) 使人體可能
- 1824年, 華盛頓·歐文, “The Devil and Tom Walker”, 出自 Tales of a Traveller:
- The inlet allowed a facility to bring the money in a boat secretly and at night to the very foot of the hill.
- 該入口讓人能夠在夜間秘密地用船把錢運送到山腳下。
- 2013年6月1日, “Ideas coming down the track”, 出自 經濟學人, 第 407 卷, 第 8838 期,第 13 (Technology Quarterly) 頁:
- A “moving platform” scheme […] is more technologically ambitious than maglev trains even though it relies on conventional rails. Local trains would use side-by-side rails to roll alongside intercity trains and allow passengers to switch trains by stepping through docking bays.
- 「移動平台」計劃 […] 雖然依賴於傳統鐵軌,但比磁懸浮列車在技術上更具野心。地方列車將使用並行的鐵軌與城際列車並排行駛,並通過對接艙讓乘客能夠換乘。
- (及物,棄用) 認可
- 1611, The Holy Bible, […] (King James Version), London: […] Robert Barker, […], →OCLC, Luke 11:48:
- Truly ye bear witness that ye allow the deeds of your fathers
- 你們的確作證,你們認可了你們祖先的行為。
- 1842年, 托馬斯富勒, Church History of Britain:
- We commend his pains, condemn his pride, allow his life, approve his learning.
- 我們讚揚他的努力,譴責他的傲慢,認可他的一生,讚許他的學識。
- (棄用) 賦予
- 1623年, 威廉莎士比亞, 雅典的泰門:
- Therefore so please thee to return with us,
And of our Athens—thine and ours—to take
The captainship, thou shalt be met with thanks,
Allow'd with absolute power, and thy good name
Live with authority. So soon we shall drive back
Of Alcibiades the approaches wild,
Who, like a boar too savage, doth root up
His country's peace.- 因此,若你願意與我們一同回去
- 因此,若你願意與我們一同回去
- (及物,棄用) 喜歡,滿意
- 1632年, 菲利普馬辛格, 納森菲爾德, The Fatal Dowry[1], 第 4 幕,場景 1:
- How allow you the model of these clothes?
- 你覺得這些衣服的款式如何?
- (法律,及物) 執行一方的請求
- to allow an objection
- 執行反對方的請求
- to allow an appeal
- 執行申請方的請求
- (及物,多元文化多倫多,多元文化倫敦) 放過
- 2021年11月3日, “Who's My man?”, Starzzy #MostHated 作詞,0:30:
- Easy on violence, now I doubt it
I could’ve banged this face but allowed it- 我現在質疑平和面對暴力的做法
- 我現在質疑平和面對暴力的做法
- allowability
- allowable
- allowance
- allowee
- allower
- allow for
- allowingly
- allow it
- allowment
- allow nature to take her/its course
- disallowance
- reallow
- unallowing
- “allow”,Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary,Springfield, Mass.:G. & C. Merriam,1913年,OCLC 800618302
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