Guidelines of the American Thyroid Association for the Diagnosis and Management of Thyroid Disease During Pregnancy and Postpartum. Thyroid. 2011-10, 21 (10) [2022-10-29]
pregnancy)或後天型疾病:一些不是直接因為懷孕而造成的疾病,例如妊娠期糖尿病、妊娠期狼瘡(英语:lupus in pregnancy)或懷孕時的甲狀腺疾病(英语:thyroid disease in pregnancy)。 之前懷孕時出現的風險。 之前懷孕時出現的併發症可能會再出現。 之前多次懷孕:若已懷孕五次,可能會有急產以及分娩後大量出血的情形。
thyroid cancer incidence beginning in 1995, approximately 15 years after the TMI accident. Lancaster County showed a significant increase in thyroid cancer
JA, Goddijn M, Bisschop PH. Significance of (sub)clinical thyroid dysfunction and thyroid autoimmunity before conception and in early pregnancy: A systematic