男裙hose (clothing ) which like stockings covered only the legs and had to be attached with garters to underpants or a doublet (英语:doublet (clothing )). A skirt-like
男士胸罩 腰布(英语:Breechcloth) 腿蹚(英语:Chausses) 遮阴布(英语:Codpiece) 紧身上衣(英语:Doublet (clothing )) 吊带袜 男士紧身裤(英语:Hose (clothing )) 缠腰带(英语:Breechcloth) 连衫裤(英语:Union suit) 品牌 2(x)ist
分趾鞋襪腰布(英语:Breechcloth) 腿蹚(英语:Chausses) 遮阴布(英语:Codpiece) 紧身上衣(英语:Doublet (clothing )) 吊带袜 男士紧身裤(英语:Hose (clothing )) 缠腰带(英语:Breechcloth) 连衫裤(英语:Union suit) 品牌 2(x)ist
音樂家肖像外的事物。聚集在臉上的細膩光線讓他的凝視更加強烈,尤其是那雙大而呆滯的眼睛。他身穿白色緊身內衣,外搭了件未完成的黑色緊身上衣(英语:doublet (clothing )),並掛了條只打底的橘粽色長巾(英语:Academic stole)。由於可能較少重繪和蹩腳的維護工程(英语:Conservation
汗背心腰布(英语:Breechcloth) 腿蹚(英语:Chausses) 遮阴布(英语:Codpiece) 紧身上衣(英语:Doublet (clothing )) 吊带袜 男士紧身裤(英语:Hose (clothing )) 缠腰带(英语:Breechcloth) 连衫裤(英语:Union suit) 品牌 2(x)ist