in Physics)由美國國家科學院頒發,旨在表彰「廣義上對電、磁或輻射能的近期創新發現或研究」。 科姆斯托克物理獎獲獎者必須是北美居民。該獎項以賽勒斯·B·康斯托克(Cyrus B. Comstock)命名,自1913年起每五年頒發一次。 Comstock Prize in Physics. NAS
(原始内容存档于2013-06-22). The Nobel Prize in Physics 1901. Nobel Foundation. [2008-10-09]. (原始内容存档于2008-10-17). The Nobel Prize in Physics 1902. Nobel Foundation. [2008-10-09]
pressure gradient across the streamline..."Babinsky, Holger, How do wings work?, Physics Education, November 2003, 38 (6): 497, Bibcode:2003PhyEd..38..497B,
Ludwig Boltzmann, Theoretical physics and philosophical problem, S. G. Brush (Trans.). Boston: Reidel. (Original work published 1886) Boltzmann, L. (1974)