Company)制片人、导演、工作室经理和摄影师身份而闻名。波特共创作了250余部电影,其中最重要的有《纽约23街上发生了什么(英语:WhatHappenedonTwenty-thirdStreet, NewYorkCity)》(1901年)《杰克与豌豆(英语:Jack and the Beanstalk (1902
13th Street NW with just two stations. However, in 1970, the District of Columbia Council agreed to pay an additional $3 million to add a third station
Hodgson, Godfrey. America in Our Time: From World War II to Nixon--whatHappened and why. Princeton University Press. 2005: 482 [2021-10-14]. ISBN 978-0-691-12288-5