Bodyguard(2021) 玩命大臨演/The Man from Toronto(2022) 戰爭機器(英语:WarMachine (upcomingfilm))/WarMachine(TBA) A Talk with Red Hill Director Patrick Hughes. filmmakermagazine
《遊戲約會(英语:Playdate (film))》 Playdate 傑夫(Jeff) TBA 《戰爭機器(英语:WarMachine (upcomingfilm))》 WarMachine TBA 《提包的男人(英语:The Man with the Bag (film))》 The Man with
Last Castle 危險情人 The Mexican 怪物史莱克 Shrek (plus a sequel in 2004 and an upcoming sequel in 2007) 神鬼交鋒 Catch Me If You Can 好萊塢大結局 Hollywood Ending 關鍵報告 Minority
[2020-11-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-20). Ital, Eric. Exclusive: Don Cheadle's WarMachine To Appear In 'The Falcon and the Winter Soldier'. 2021-02-03