to Peace, Act of Aggression, and Threat or UseofForce: What's the Difference?. Weller, Marc (编). The Oxford Handbook of the UseofForce in International
艾略特国际事务学院教授,主要作品有《干涉的目的:武力使用信念的变化》(The Purpose of Intervention: Changing Beliefs about the UseofForce)等。 As listed in Thamassat University library catalog
ISBN 90-6042-040-3. The 1974 U.N. definition of aggression. In: Antonio Cassese: The current legal regulation of the useofforce. Nijhoff, Dordrecht 1986, ISBN 90-247-3247-6
Namrata Goswami. Indian National Security and Counter-Insurgency: The UseofForce Vs Non-violent Response. Routledge. 2014-11-27: 45 [2022-06-25]. ISBN 978-1-134-51431-1