陆军民事警察部(英语:Department of the Army Civilian Police) 陆军民事安全部队 美国陆军后备役部队(英语:UnitedStatesArmy Reserve) 陆军惩戒司令部 陆军警察部 陆军纹章学院(英语:UnitedStatesArmy Institute of Heraldry)
Preparations. UnitedStatesArmy in World War II. Washington, D.C.: UnitedStatesArmy Center of Military History, US Department of the Army. 1950 [20 August
joyful noise with enduring impact, U.S. Army War College Archives - News Article (PDF), 美國陸軍戰爭學院(英语:UnitedStatesArmy War College): 1, 2015-05-10 [2020-10-10]