生了世界上最大的发展中国家民主政府,這次選舉,國大黨取得勝利,尼赫鲁連任總理一職,並在此後確立國大黨對印度長期的領導地位。 印度独立宣言 Timelineof India's Independence and Democracy: From 1857 to 1947. Pacific Atrocities
Derrick. To the Far Side of Hell: TheBattle for Peleliu, 1944. Fire Ant Books. 2005. ISBN 0817352813. Chen, C. Peter. "The Marianas and the Great Turkey
Borneo) 1945-07-01 – 1945-07-21 峇里巴板战役(英语:Battleof Balikpapan)(雙簧管2號行動) 婆羅洲日據時期 Dennis, Peter (et al). The Oxford Companion to Australian Military History