"Worldwide rentals for The Best Years ofOurLives amounted to $14,750,000." Burns, Douglas, The Best years ofOurLives: 301, 2010, The film made a $5 million
2011年11月18日Showtime宣布续订《嗜血法医》第七季和第八季,每季12集组成。 Ward, Kendra. Dexter book series similar to TV. The Review. Washburn University. 2008-09-29 [2009-01-16]. (原始内容存档于2009-10-05)
Review: Our Summer TV Addiction Has Arrived. TV Guide. 2021-06-30 [2021-07-01]. (原始内容存档于2021-07-01). Rorke, Robert. How 'The White Lotus' Transformed the Four