|date=中的日期值 (帮助) "The Woman Who Lived" · Doctor Who · TV Review The Doctor Who lives forever, and the woman who never asked to · TV Club · The A.V. Club. 影音俱樂部
(原始内容存档于2019-09-11) (英国英语). "Bad Wolf" / "The Parting ofthe Ways" 在 異世奇人: 時間(旅行)簡史 Retrieved 28 November 2007. The first Doctor Who episode title for Jodie
Archerd)在《综艺》杂志发文称,克里斯托起初因忙于拍摄电影《周末夜先生》(Mr. Saturday Night)和《城市滑头2》(City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's Gold)而谢绝邀请,凯茨于是给他寄去一个葬礼花圈,上面附有诗文,称“没有你,节目和我都死定了”,再加上一颗仿制的死马