在美國有著大小眼黑人王之稱,影評認為諸多所飾演的角色演技大都略同浮誇,其在好萊塢電影中,多半飾演出配角角色。但讓其大為走紅的,是在2006年電影《最後的蘇格蘭王》(The Last King of Scotland)中,飾演烏干達獨裁領導人伊迪·阿敏。這是一部真人真事改編而成的作品。其憑著出色與細微的演技,獲得第7
(原始内容存档于2023-04-09). Eagan, Daniel. America's film legacy : the authoritative guide to the landmark movies in the National Film Registry. New York: Continuum. 2010:
"Niagara" to locate enemy troops and equipment surrounding Khe Sanh. The efforts of the 460th TRW directly contributed to the effectiveness of the most intensive
解放军文艺出版社,2009 Robert C. Doyle. TheEnemy in Our Hands: America's Treatment of Prisoners of War from the Revolution to the War on Terror. University Press