"Niagara" to locate enemy troops and equipment surrounding Khe Sanh. The efforts of the 460th TRW directly contributed to the effectiveness of the most intensive
(原始内容存档于2023-04-09). Eagan, Daniel. America's film legacy : the authoritative guide to the landmark movies in the National Film Registry. New York: Continuum. 2010:
在美國有著大小眼黑人王之稱,影評認為諸多所飾演的角色演技大都略同浮誇,其在好萊塢電影中,多半飾演出配角角色。但讓其大為走紅的,是在2006年電影《最後的蘇格蘭王》(The Last King of Scotland)中,飾演烏干達獨裁領導人伊迪·阿敏。這是一部真人真事改編而成的作品。其憑著出色與細微的演技,獲得第7
high-tech public enemy number one. The Sydney Morning Herald. 2010-12-08 [2014-03-16]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-28) (英语). Family notices. The Sydney Morning Herald