Washington's German "Cousin"(英文) Teaching about George Washington (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)(英文) The First Presidential Veto (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Analysis of the first veto
Melodies)系列則總共入圍16部,獲獎5部。加拿大國家電影局出品的短片曾獲獎6次,是非美國電影公司中最多者。在1952年第25屆《加拿大交通發展史(英语:The Romance of Transportation in Canada)》入圍該獎項之前,所以被提名的卡通短片皆為美國的電影公司出品;第一部獲獎
(mainly durables). Thecountry ranks fourth in services and third in agriculture (especially in cereals and the agri-food sector). It is the leading producer
Page 170 Tunisia, a Country Study, 1979. Page 220. African Freedom Annual, 1978. Page 109 Ethiopia at Bay: A Personal Account of the Haile Selassieyears