Eastern Europe: An Introduction to the People, Lands and Culture (ABC-CLIO), 2005: 89 Estonian CentreParty, A Political and Economic Dictionary of Eastern
Conservative AP was now transformed into a party of thecentre-right: it was renamed People's Party (Partido Popular, PP) in the spring of 1989. Newton, Michael
Democracy)、瑞典保守黨亞爾豪馬森基金會(英语:Jarl Hjalmarson Foundation)、奧地利人民黨政治學院(英语:Political Academy of the Austrian People's Party)等。在2009年歐洲議會選舉期間,該中心推出了一個基於網路的競選模組tellbarroso
Security & Defence (Razumkov Centre). 2015, 6–7: 32. A political project – the “Socialists” party has emerged in thepolitical field, whose leadership included
week. The Economist. 23 March 2019: 7 [24 March 2019]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-24). The European People's Party, a grouping of centre-right parties at the European