守護靈,是新紀元運動的信仰對象之一。 在西方的精神主義中,守護靈是指附在人身上或伴隨在身邊進行守護與引導人思想的一種靈體。 守護天使 Carroll, Bret E. Spiritualism in Antebellum America. (Religion in North America.). Bloomington: Indiana
靈界」存在。不過由於是透過「特異功能」去捕捉訊息,並非透過可重複驗證的實驗證實,仍需更多直接證據佐證。 Hill, J. Arthur. Spiritualism - Its History, Phenomena, And Doctrine. London, New York, Toronto and
Physical Phenomena of Spiritualism. Herbet B. Turner & Co. 1907: 404. Podmore, Frank. Levitation and the Fire Ordeal. The Newer Spiritualism. Henry Holt and
Edition). Prometheus Books. ISBN 1-57392-798-8. Joseph McCabe (1920). Is Spiritualism Based On Fraud? The Evidence Given By Sir A. C. Doyle and Others Drastically