University Medical School and of the New York Post Graduate Medical School. RichardDooling, Blue Streak: Swearing, Free Speech & Sexual Harassment, (1996) ISBN
Viking Press. 1958: 222 [1944]. von Braun, Wernher; Ordway, Frederick I; Dooling, Jr., David. Space Travel: A History. New York: Harper & Row. 1985: 64
1924–1929 George W. Olvany 1929–1934 John F. Curry 1934–1937 James J. Dooling 1937–1942 Christopher D. Sullivan 1942 Charles H. Hussey 1942–1944 Michael
Chinwalla, Li Ding, David Dooling, Daniel C. Koboldt, Michael D. McLellan, John W. Wallis, Michael C. Wendl, Qunyuan Zhang, Richard M. Durbin (Principal Investigator)