《minisode 1: Blue Hour》是韓國男子音樂團體TOMORROW X TOGETHER的第三張韓語迷你專輯,由Big Hit娛樂製作,IRIVER發行,專輯於2020年10月26日發行。主打歌為〈5시 53분의 하늘에서 발견한 너와 나 (Blue Hour)〉。 9月17日,韓國媒體採訪報導宣布TOMORROW
the platform also confirmed that "Based on our long-time criteria, Badshah did not qualify for our 24 hour debut records list". 发布后24小时内观看次数最多的预告片列表 觀看次數最多的YouTube影片列表
Human Extinction. Routledge. ISBN 0-415-18447-9 Rees, Martin. (2003). Our Final Hour: A Scientist's Warning: How terror, error, and environmental disaster
Mary》:“Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.”;利瑪竇與徐光啟合譯《聖母經》(見明版《天主實義》附錄):「天主聖母瑪利亞,為我等罪人,今祈天主,及我等死候。」 拉丁語《Salve
MIDNIGHT CROWD RIDES FIRST TRAINS IN THE SUBWAY; Throngs at Stations an Hour Before Time, Rush Turnstiles When Chains Are Dropped. NO OFFICIAL CEREMONIES