(not-2-late.com) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) – by the OfficeofPopulationResearch at Princeton University and the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals. Information
considerably higher rate of 17.0 persons (total) per 100,000 people per annum in 2009 (5,712 cases in a populationof 10,749,000 ( 10,666,866 as of 1 January 2008
Indian)。 Population Enumeration Data (Final Population). Census of India. [2016-06-17]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-22). A – 2 DECADAL VARIATION IN POPULATION SINCE
Affairs) 人口暨難民移民局(英语:Bureau ofPopulation, Refugees, and Migration) 全球刑事司法室(英语:Officeof Global Criminal Justice) 人口販賣監控打擊室(英语:Office to Monitor and Combat
政策发展与研究办公室(英语:HUD USER)(Officeof Policy Development and Research) 公共事务办公室 公共和印第安人住房辦公室(Officeof Public and Indian Housing;PIH) 小型和弱勢企業利用辦公室(Officeof Small and Disadvantaged