中風而丧失劳动能力,於是退位將巴伐利亚王位讓給青年路易,並將意大利王位讓給胖子查理。 Bowlus, Charles R. Franks, Moravians, and Magyars: The Struggle for the Middle Danube, 788–907. Philadelphia:
2006. Pohl 1995,第64頁. Reuter 2013,第158, 194頁. Bowlus, Charles R. Franks, Moravians, and Magyars: The Struggle for the Middle Danube, 788-907. Philadelphia:
possessing undisputed Orders, and Old Catholics, Anglicans, Swedish Lutherans, Moravians, and any others who might be able to demonstrate that they had perpetuated
Moravian Movement. 2014-12-08 [2017-07-08]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-12) (英语). The Moravians created a seal. The seal has a picture of a sheep holding a cross with