M1卡宾枪300 Dunlap, Roy, Ordnance Went Up Front, Samworth Press (1948), p. 297 McManus , John C., The Deadly Brotherhood: The American Combat Soldier in World War
英国君主英格兰-爱尔兰两个部分。属于后者的许多领主已完全盖尔化,除在名义上之外全不认可英格兰国王。诸如马努斯·奥唐纳(英语:Manus O'Donnell )和科恩·奥尼尔(英语:Conn O 'Neill, 1st Earl of Tyrone)等人尚自立为王。 至1541年,英格兰国王亨利八世已同罗马教廷
爱尔兰大饥荒Trevelyan 1848. Kinealy 1994,第353頁. Uris & Uris 2003,第16頁. Shaw 1903. MacManus 1921,第492頁. Clark 1982. Opening old wounds. The Economist. [2020-06-16]
纳粹劫掠noted feminists in the prewar period, including Aletta Jacobs and Rosa Manus , some 4,650 books and periodicals, records of the International Council
我的世界 Yahoo! News. Yahoo!. 2012-06-06 [2015-10-27]. (原始内容存档于2012-06-09). MacManus , Christopher. Lego Minecraft available for preorder. CNET. CBS Interactive