各國主教座堂列表(英语:Listsof cathedrals) 各國墳場列表(英语:Listsofcemeteries) 有漢堡王加盟店的國家列表(英语:List of countries with Burger King franchises) 有麥當勞餐館的國家列表(英语:List of countries
square could easily cost $150,000. Land, John. Double burials in UK cemeteries to solve space shortage. 24dash.com. 2006-05-30 [2007-07-13]. (原始内容存档于2007-09-26)
Hucke, Matt; Ursula Bielski. Graveyards of Chicago: The People, History, Art, and Lore of Cook County Cemeteries. Chicago: Lake Claremont Press. 1999. ISBN 0-9642426-4-8