2014年蒙克顿枪击案 加拿大大屠殺列表(英语:ListofmassacresinCanada) Collins, Sean. What we know about a mass shooting in Nova Scotia, Canada. Vox. 2020-04-19 [2020-04-19]
Slonim Massacres. Jewish Currents. 28 June 2010 [1 May 2017]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-22). Berkhoff, Karel C. Ray Brandon; Wendy Lower , 编. The Shoah in Ukraine:
2001 "A Narrative of the Late Massacres..." (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Benjamin Franklin's account of the massacre and criticism of the Paxton Boys "A Disquisition
俄罗斯和苏联军队中的女性(英语:Women in the Russian and Soviet military) 二战中的女性(英语:Women in World War II) 第二次世界大战的南斯拉夫 第二次世界大战东线军事行动列表(英语:Listof military operations on