"Prehistoric Mammals of Australia and New Guinea: One Hundred Million Years of Evolution" by John A. Long, Michael Archer, Timothy Flannery, and Suzanne Hand
Prehistoric Mammals of Australia and New Guinea: One Hundred Million Years of Evolution by John A. Long, Michael Archer, Timothy Flannery, and Suzanne Hand
。故此,澳洲原住民傳統上不容許孩童到這些地方玩耍,只可由成人陪同才能到這些地方。 提姆·富蘭納瑞(Tim Flannery)指沃那比蛇與其他澳洲巨型動物群是因澳洲原住民的生活而滅絕。 John D. Scanlon; Michael S. Y. Lee. The Pleistocene serpent