《康拉丁被宣判死刑》,1868 《腓特烈三世加冕成为普鲁士国王》,1887 《威廉一世抵达萨尔布吕肯》,1877 Fulbrook, Mary and JohnBreuilly (1997) German History Since 1800 "Oxford University Press US". 640 p
University Press. 2015: 20–38. ISBN 978-0198744337. Schwarzmantle, John. Breuilly, John , 编. The Oxford Handbook of the History of Nationalism. Oxford: Oxford
University Press. 2015: 20–38. ISBN 978-0198744337. Schwarzmantle, John. Breuilly, John , 编. The Oxford Handbook of the History of Nationalism. Oxford: Oxford