Australian National University. 1996. ISBN 9780858834491. OCLC 41223774. Foley, William A. The Papuan Languages of New Guinea. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Schwartzman(英语:Robert Schwartzman)的同父异母兄弟。他经常合作的电影导演是米高·比爾、約翰·李·漢考克、哥連·卓法羅、詹姆斯·佛利(英语:James Foley (director))和保羅·費格。1985年他毕业于南加州大学电影艺术学院(USC School of Cinematic Arts)。 Notable
Selected Writings of Jack B. Yeats (Carlton Books) Declan J Foley (2009), ed. with an introduction by Bruce Stewart,The Only Art of Jack B. Yeats Letters