AG (收購於蒂森克虏伯) InlandSteelCompany(英语:InlandSteelCompany) (收購於Ispat International became Mittal, now ArcelorMittal) International Steel Group(英语:International
Pollution characteristics of atmospheric dustfall and heavy metals in a typical inland heavy industry city in China. Journal of Environmental Sciences (China)
(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 史蒂亚Roger Steel:《挚爱中华——戴德生传记》 Broomhall, Marshall. 《内地会殉道传教士及某些逃生者所受之险难》Martyred Missionaries of the China Inland Mission with a record of
GameFAQs. 1995-12-02 [2012-12-20]. (原始内容存档于2017-10-22). DragonHeart: Fire & Steel Release Information for PlayStation. GameFAQs. 1996-11-30 [2012-08-21].