克里米亚鞑靼人強制流放 ATR电视台 克里米亞營 諾曼·切萊比吉汗營 依國際慣例包括所有因侵略而失去之領土 依國際慣例排除所有侵略所得領土 CrimeanTatars and Noghais in Turkey. [2022-09-29]. (原始内容存档于2019-01-07). The distribution
ISBN 9780847680672. LCCN 95012637. OCLC 924871281. Fisher, Alan W. CrimeanTatars. Stanford, California: Hoover Press. 2014. ISBN 9780817966638. LCCN 76041085
Koninklijke, 2008. 513. Schuckelt, Holger. "Relations between Saxony and the CrimeanTatars in the 17th and Early 18th Centuries." In Islamic Art and Architecture
俄羅斯,最後於1503年死於卡西姆汗國的卡西莫夫,遺骨後來運回克里米亞汗國首都巴赫奇薩賴安葬。 Alan W. Fisher, The CrimeanTatars, Hoover Institution Press, Stanford California, 1987 ISBN 0-81-796662-5