粒子物理學、N=4超对称杨-米尔斯的理论、世界面、弦理论 共形映射 共形群(英语:Conformalgroup)(推广) 重整化群 Di Francesco; Mathieu, Sénéchal. Conformal field theory. Graduate texts in contemporary
23(1430), 1969. (The seminal paper for the development of conformal field theory; see History of conformal field theory.) Honors by Faculty. uchicago.edu. [2018-04-18]
diffeomorphism and Weyl invariance. Weyl symmetry is broken upon quantization (Conformal anomaly) and therefore this action has to be supplemented with a counterterm
Math. Journal 54. 1987: 579–613. P. Cartier. Conformal field theory and torsion elements of the Bloch group. Frontiers in Number Theory, Physics and Geometry