此后,学校的名称便随着法国历史的动荡而变更:波旁王朝第一次复辟时期的“路易大帝高中”(lycée Louis leGrand),在第二次复辟时期又重新成为了“路易大帝的皇家中学”(collègeroyal de Louis leGrand)。这个名字中,让人感觉像是路易十四专有财产的介词“的”(de)于1813年 被取消。
attended the Collège de Nancy, then went to Paris where he attended the Collège Henri. In 1840-41 he studied at the Collège Louis-le-Grand where some fifteen
August 1, 2006, written by Noah Nicholas and Molly Bedell Freemasonry Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon website. Freemasonry.bcy.ca. [2009-09-21]