(原始内容存档于2016-08-26). Scott, Patrick. Game of Thrones: how does theTVseries compare to the books?. The Guardian. 2014-04-06 [2014-04-06]. (原始内容存档于2016-06-10)
CITEREFA_Clash_of_Kings (幫助) A Clashof Kings,Appendix: The King in the North, p. 985. sfn模板錯誤: 無指向目標: CITEREFA_Clash_of_Kings (幫助) A Game of Thrones,Catelyn V, pp
Originally released as Musou Orochi 2 in Japan. Ressuru Kingudamu in Japan. This is a high-definition remastering ofthe first three games in theseries.