Rosen,1946年5月7日—)是一名英国儿童文学作家和诗人,同时也是一名电视主持人及政治专栏作家。他于2007年至2009年曾获Children's Laureate(英语:Children's Laureate)奖项。 他無意中創造了"Nice meme"。 About Michael Rosen. MichaelRosen
1925. Contemporary Techniques of Poetry: A Political Analogy. London: Hogarth Press, 1925. Another Future of Poetry. London: Hogarth Press, 1926. Impenetrability
Barbauld's Lessons for Children"; Culturing the Child, 1690–1914: Essays in Memory of Mitzi Myers, ed. Donelle Ruwe. Lanham, MD: The Children's Literature
Gluck's The Triumph of Achilles" [by Caroline Malone]. The Best American Poetry. [2020-04-07]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-07). Morris, Daniel. The Poetry of Louise