Leslie Fleetwood Bates 1952–1954 Richard Whiddington 1954–1956 Harrie S. W. Massey 1956–1958 内维尔·莫特 1958–1960 John A. Ratcliffe The History of the Institute
Brook)、銀溪(Silver Creek)、泰勒溪(Taylor Creek)、士嘉堡溪(Scarboro Creek)和泰勒-梅西溪(英语:Taylor-Massey Creek)等,其中泰勒-梅西溪亦是在東、西當河匯合處匯入。當河流域由多倫多及地區保護局(英语:Toronto and Region Conservation
(原始内容存档于2019-09-05). According to some authorities, the county was named for Louisa Massey, who gained fame during her time because she avenged the murder of her brother