Flag of the Coast Guard Auxiliary Flag of the Commandant of the Coast Guard Flag of the Vice Commandant of the Coast Guard Flag of a Coast Guard admiral
海軍部長的兩大首要軍事顧問或軍事執行官分別是海軍作戰部長(CNO Chief of Naval Operation)和陸戰隊司令(CMC Commandant of the Marine Corps),這兩大軍事長官作為海軍部長的軍事執行官,負責執行海軍部長制定下達的軍事命令受其牽制。 美國海軍準則(United
行政及資源管理(Administration and Resource Management) 海軍陸戰隊副司令(英语:AssistantCommandant of the Marine Corps)(AssistantCommandant of the Marine Corps) 海軍陸戰隊牧師(英语:Chaplain of