true, it lasted all of six hours. Now watch the crackdown.. @AliBunkallSKY. 2019-01-07 [2019-01-07]. (原始内容存档于2019-02-15) (英语). Gabon: apparente tentative
Restoration of Institutions)主席(在任期間行使加彭總統職權)及加蓬共和国卫队(英语:Gabonese Republican Guard)总司令。据信他是前总统支持者,在2023年加蓬政变中发挥了关键作用。 過渡期軍政府 Steve Tenré. Gabon : qui est
University of Georgia Press. 2017: 61. Angola came to his aid with 2,500 troops in August 1997. Sassou also received help from Chad, Gabon, France, and