John Kress),感謝坦潔里尼提供他們著作《生命的飾品:共同演化與熱帶地區的保育》(The Ornaments of Life: Coevolution and Conservation intheTropics)封面和內文中的圖畫。2015年,坦潔里尼設立了一個網站,以此來分類她以及其他在植物
rainfall activity inthe Australian tropics reflects changes inthe El Niño/Southern Oscillation over the last two millennia. Proceedings of the National Academy
Ties. The New York Times. 2008-04-07 [2024-09-14]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-28). Phillips, Maya. ‘Cost of Living’ Review: Worth Its Weight in Gold. The New York
1038/nature.2014.14713. (原始内容存档于2021-04-11). Termites Green Architecture intheTropics. The Architect. Architectural Association of Kenya. [17 October 2015]