史考特出身渥太華珊蒂丘,是加拿大陸軍上校克勞德·路得福特·史考特(Clyde Rutherford Scott)與瑪莉·波佛斯(Mary Purves)三個孩子中最小的一位。她七歲開始在明托滑冰俱樂部滑冰,教練是奧圖·格德(Otto Gold)與雪爾頓·蓋布瑞斯。 Barbara Ann Scott. Skate with me.
PMID 4023181. doi:10.2307/3576584. Rutherford distinguished and named α and β rays on page 116 of: E. Rutherford (1899) "Uranium radiation and the electrical
African, Asian, and Oceanic Experiences. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press. 2014: 85–100. Rutherford, A. Kaputala: The Diary of Arthur Beagle