安托諾夫An-70(烏克蘭語:Антонов Ан-70)為一新世代四引擎中程運輸機,並為首台以槳扇發動機驅動之大型飛行器。該機由安托諾夫設計局所研製,於1994年12月6日,在烏克蘭的基輔首飛。
- 机组:3-5
- 容量:300 troops or 206 wounded
- (俄文) Reports on design progress by Aviatsiya i Vremia journal in Issue 2 and 3 of 1994
- (俄文) Первый полет Ан-70 // Авиация и Время. - К. : 1995. - №1. - Стр.25. (Report on first flight of the An-70 by Aviatsiya i Vremia journal, including photogallery of the plane)
- (俄文) "Interfax-Ukraine" news lines of December 1 and December 28, 2005; November 11, 2005; May 17, 2005
- (俄文) Russia and Ukraine do not cease work on the developing of An-70 (Russian govt. E-zine reporting on bilateral development of the plane; May 17, 2005)
- (俄文) Optimistic Future (Russian govt. E-zine article on bilateral development of the plane; June 7, 2004)
- (俄文) Our plane, common ground and their alliance (Ukrainian Glavred e-zine article on the disagreement over An-70 purchase; May 5, 2003)
- (英文) Russia Pulls out of An-70 Joint Venture in Ukraine (UkraineExpress e-zine article on the Russian pull-out from the An-70 joint-venture; page 4, Tuesday, June 6, 2006)[永久失效連結]