adding a 13th digit. Laurer retired from IBM in 1987. He holds some 25 patents and is a member of the university’s A. JamesClarkSchoolofEngineering Hall
adding a 13th digit. Laurer retired from IBM in 1987. He holds some 25 patents and is a member of the university’s A. JamesClarkSchoolofEngineering Hall
Catholic Encyclopedia, 1913, p371, "A Decree of Propaganda (15 Aug., 1858) grants to the Archbishop of Baltimore the right of precedence in the United States
A. JamesClarkSchoolofEngineering, University of Maryland. [2023-02-01]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-05). Clarivate Recognizes 30 University of Maryland
[2019-12-11]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-04) –通过新浪. George J. Laurer. A. JamesClarkSchoolofEngineering. University of Maryland. [2019-12-11]. (原始内容存档于2022-01-05). UPC