5号州际公路(英語:Interstate 5, I-5)华盛顿州段全长276.62英里,[1][2]从美加边境向南延伸到华盛顿州与俄勒冈州的交界(哥伦比亚河)。 事实速览 5號州際公路, 道路信息 ... 5號州際公路道路信息管理方華盛頓州交通部[*]道路總長276.62英里(445.18公里)启用时间14 8 1957公路系統 州際公路系統 主线 辅助 帶後綴者(英语:List of suffixed Interstate Highways) 商業路線(英语:List of business routes of the Interstate Highway System) 未來規劃(英语:List of future Interstate Highways) 华盛顿州州道 州际公路(英语:List of Interstate Highways in Washington) 国道(英语:List of U.S. Routes in Washington) 州道(英语:List of state routes in Washington) 风景道路(英语:List of Washington State Scenic and Recreational Highways) 过去的一级州道(英语:List of Primary State Highways in Washington) 1964年改编(英语:1964 state highway renumbering (Washington)) 过去(英语:List of former state routes in Washington) ← 4號華盛頓州州道→ 6號華盛頓州州道关闭 参考文献 [1]Federal Highway Administration Route Log and Finder List, Main Routes of the Dwight D. Eisenhower National System Of Interstate and Defense Highways as of October 31, 2002 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) [2]Washington State Department of Transportation, State Highway Log (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), 2006 Wikiwand - on Seamless Wikipedia browsing. On steroids.