阿布·雅各布·优素福(阿拉伯语:أبو يعقوب يوسف;1135年—1184年10月14日),又称优素福一世[1],穆瓦希德王朝哈里发,1163年至1184年在位。
事实速览 阿布·雅各布·优素福, 統治 ...
优素福是穆瓦希德首位哈里发阿卜杜勒·慕敏之子,母亲是马斯穆达柏柏尔人,外祖父是伊本·图马特的信众之一[3][4]。优素福在1163年即位。优素福也是一位宗教学者,遵奉扎希丽派法学,据称会熟练背诵布哈里圣训和穆斯林圣训实录[5]。优素福在宫廷内募集了一批学术名人,哲学家伊本·图费勒(Ibn Tufail)和伊本·鲁世德都曾在其宫廷中任职[6],通才伊本·马达厄(Ibn Maḍāʾ)担任其首席法官[7]。优素福在帝国境内推行基于伊本·图马特的宗教改革政策,查禁不符合扎希丽派教义的文献,其子曼苏尔即位后将之集中烧毁[8]。
Abdelwahid al-Marrakushi "al-Mojib fi Talkhis Akhbar al-Maghrib" [The Pleasant Book in Summarizing the History of the Maghreb] (1224) pp.125-126
Bennison, Amira K. The Almoravid and Almohad Empires. Edinburgh University Press. 2016.
Huici Miranda, A. Abū Yaʿḳūb Yūsuf. Bearman, P.; Bianquis, Th.; Bosworth, C.E.; van Donzel, E.; Heinrichs, W.P. (编). Encyclopaedia of Islam I 2nd. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill Publishers: 162. 1986 [1960] [2021-02-17]. ISBN 9004081143. (原始内容存档于2019-12-13).
Shawqi Daif, Introduction to Ibn Mada's Refutation of the Grammarians, pg. 5. Cairo, 1947.
Kojiro Nakamura, "Ibn Mada's Criticism of Arab Grammarians." Orient, v. 10, pgs. 89-113. 1974
Shawqi Daif, Introduction to Ibn Mada's Refutation of the Grammarians, pg. 6. Cairo, 1947.
"The History of the Mohammedan Dynasties in Spain," taken from Ahmed Mohammed al-Maqqari's Nafhut Tibb min Ghusn al-Andalus al-Ratib wa Tarikh Lisan ad-Din Ibn al-Khatib. Translated by Pascual de Gayangos y Arce from copies in the British Museum. Pg. 319. London: The Orientalist Translation Fund of Great Britain and Ireland. Sold by W. H. Allen Ltd and M. Duprat.
Huici Miranda, A. Abū Yaʿḳūb Yūsuf. Bearman, P.; Bianquis, Th.; Bosworth, C.E.; van Donzel, E.; Heinrichs, W.P. (编). Encyclopaedia of Islam I 2nd. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill Publishers: 161. 1986 [1960] [2021-02-17]. ISBN 9004081143. (原始内容存档于2019-12-13).