羅賓·詹姆斯·威爾遜(Robin James Wilson,1943年12月5日—),是英国公开大学数学系荣誉教授, 曾任纯粹数学系系主任[1]。他也是牛津大学彭布罗克学院的讲师[2]和截至2006年 (2006-Missing required parameter 1=month!)[update],伦敦格雷沙姆学院几何学教授、格雷沙姆学院访问教授[3]。有时他也会在科羅拉多學院客座教学。
事实速览 The Honourable R. J. Wilson, 出生 ...
2008年8月他发表了一项关于爱丽丝梦游仙境和愛麗絲鏡中奇遇的作者路易斯·卡羅的数学工作的研究 — 路易斯·卡羅在数字乐园: 他的奇幻数学逻辑生活。[7]
威尔逊对音乐有强烈的兴趣,包括吉爾伯特與薩利文歌剧,而且是Gilbert and Sullivan: The Official D'Oyly Carte Picture History的合作作者之一 (和Frederic Lloyd)。[9]2007年他是英国广播电台Radio 3的传记音乐讨论节目,Private Passions的嘉宾。[10]
- Combinatorics: Ancient & Modern (with John Watkins), Oxford University Press, 2013: ISBN 0-19-965659-2
- The Great Mathematicians (with Raymond Flood), Arcturus Publishing Ltd, 2011: ISBN 1-84837-902-1
- Hidden Word Sudoku, Infinite Ideas Limited 2005: ISBN 1-904902-74-X
- How to Solve Sudoku, Infinite Ideas Limited 2005: ISBN 1-904902-62-6
- Sherlock Holmes in Babylon and Other Tales of Mathematical History (co-edited with Marlow Anderson and Victor Katz), The Mathematical Association of America, 2004: ISBN 0-88385-546-1
- Mathematics and Music: From Pythagoras to Fractals (co-edited with John Fauvel & Raymond Flood), Oxford University Press, 2003: ISBN 0-19-851187-6
- Four Colours Suffice: How the Map Problem Was Solved, Allen Lane (Penguin), 2002: ISBN 0-7139-9670-6
- Stamping through Mathematics, Springer, 2001: ISBN 0-387-98949-8
- Oxford Figures: 800 Years of the Mathematical Sciences (with John Fauvel & Raymond Flood), Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2000: ISBN 0-19-852309-2
- Graphs and Applications: An Introductory Approach (with Joan Aldous), Springer, 2000: ISBN 1-85233-259-X
- Mathematical Conversations: Selections from the Mathematical Intelligencer (with J. Gray), Springer, 2000: ISBN 0-387-98686-3
- An Atlas of Graphs (with R.C. Read), Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998: ISBN 0-19-853289-X (paperback edition, 2002: ISBN 0-19-852650-4)
- Graph Theory 1736-1936 (with Norman L. Biggs and Keith Lloyd), Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1976: ISBN 0-19-853901-0