有些舊信徒教派的支持者參加了斯捷潘·拉辛在1670年至1671年叛亂,但這次起義不被視為一個舊信徒叛亂,而且斯捷潘·拉辛他自己有強烈反對教會的觀點。舊信徒教派的支持者在1682年莫斯科起義(英语:Moscow Uprising of 1682)中發揮了重要作用。許多舊信徒教派成員往西部遷移,尋求波蘭立陶宛聯邦的宗教寬容政策庇護,允許他們自由地實踐他們的信仰。
Cherniavsky, M.: "The Reception of the Council of Florence in Moscow", Church History XXIV (1955), 147–57.
Shevchenko I., "Ideological Repercussions of the Council of Florence", Church History XXIV (1955), 291–323.
Crummey, Robert O.: The Old Believers & The World Of Antichrist; The Vyg Community & The Russian State, Wisconsin U.P., 1970
Gill, T.: The Council of Florence, Cambridge, 1959
MacCulloch, Diarmaid, A History of Christianity, 2009, Penguin 2010 ISBN 978-0-14-102189-8, chapter 15
Meyendorff, P, Russia—Ritual and Reform: The Liturgical Reforms of Nikon in the 17th Century, Crestwood, NY: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1991.
Zenkovsky, Serge A.: "The ideology of the Denisov brothers", Harvard Slavic Studies, 1957. III, 49–66
————————, The Old Believer Avvakum, Indiana Slavic Studies I: 1–51, 1956.
————————, Pan-Turkism and Islam in Russia, Harvard UP, 1967 [1960].
————————, The Russian Schism, Russian ReviewXVI: 37–58, 1957.
Old Orthodox Prayer Book. Trans. and ed. by Pimen Simon, Theodore Jurewics, [and] German Ciuba. Erie, Penn.: Russian Orthodox Church of the Nativity of Christ (Old Rite), 1986. N.B.: Consists of the liturgy of the Old Believers (a.k.a. Old Ritualists), as also now authorized for use in parishes of the canonical Russian Orthodox Church; texts in Russian and English on facing pages. Without ISBN
Голубинский ЕЕ: История русской церкви, Москва, 1900 / Golubinskij EE: "History of the Russian Church", Moscow, 1900
————————, К нашей полемике со старообрядцами, ЧОИДР, 1905 / "Contribution to our polemic with the Old believers", ČOIDR, 1905
————————, Исправление книг при патриархе Никоне и последующих патриархах, Москва: Языки славянской культуры, 2004 / Dmitrievskij A.A.: The correction of books under Patriarch Nikon and Patriarchs after him. Moscow, "Jazyki slavjanskoj kul'tury", 2004
Зеньковский С.А.: Русское старообрядчество, том I и II, Москва 2006 / Zenkovsky S.A.: "Russia's Old Believers", volumes I and II, Moscow 2006
Каптерев Н.Ф.: Патриарх Никон и его противники в деле исправления церковныx обрядов, Москва, 1913 / Kapterv N.F.: "Patriarch Nikon and his opponents in the correction of church rituals", Moscow, 1913
————————, Характер отношений России к православному востоку в XVI и XVII вв, Москва, 1914 / Kapterev N.F.: "Character of the relationships between Russia and the orthodox East in the 16th and 17th centuries", Moscow, 1914
Карташов А.В.: Очерки по истории русской церкви, Париж, 1959 / Kartašov A.V.: "Outlines of the history of the Russian church", Paris, 1959
Мельников Ф.И.: Краткая история древлеправославной (старообрядческой) церкви. Барнаул, 1999 / Melnikov F.I.: "Short history of the Old orthodox (Old ritualist) Church", Barnaul, 1999
Урушев Д.А. Возьми крест свой: история старообрядчества в событиях и лицах. Барнаул, 2009. / Urushev D.A. Take up your Cross: most influential persons and events in the history of Old Belief, Barnaul, 2009
N.B.: All these works come from scholars and scientists, none of them Old Believers, except for Melnikov (an Old-Believer apologist) and Urushev (a religious historian).