排跨基女,也作排跨激女[註 1],英文稱爲TERF(),英文首字母縮略字,全称trans-exclusionary radical feminist,即「排斥跨性別的激進女性主義者」[2]。TERF最早出現于2008年,最初是指排斥跨性別者的一类女性主義者。這类人認為跨性別女性並非女性,他們並不能真正地改變生理性別、也無法真正體驗到生理女性的一些生理狀況(諸如月經、妊娠等)[3]。TERF也強調跨性別者不能、也不應該參與女性權利的運動而将其排斥在妇女之外,并且反对立法保护跨性别者的权利。後來TERF含義扩大到所有反對和排斥跨性别者的人[4][5][6][7]。不過有些被称为“TERF”的人通常拒绝接受这个稱呼並认为隨意稱呼別人TERF是在侮辱人[8]。
Smythe, Viv. I'm credited with having coined the word 'Terf'. Here's how it happened. 衛報. 2018-11-28 [2022-10-28]. (原始内容存档于2020-01-25). Due to a short series of blogposts from 2008, I have retrospectively been credited as the coiner of the acronym "Terf" (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists) ... a shorthand to describe one cohort of feminists who self-identify as radical and are unwilling to recognise trans women as sisters, unlike those of us who do.
Lewis, Sophie. Opinion | How British Feminism Became Anti-Trans. The New York Times. 2019-02-07 [2019-05-05]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于2019-11-15) (美国英语). If the idea that transphobic harassment could be "feminist" bewilders you, you are not alone. ... With time, the term TERF has become a catchall for all anti-trans feminists, radical or not.
Miller, Edie. Why Is British Media So Transphobic?. The Outline. 2018-11-05 [2019-05-03]. (原始内容存档于2019-10-19) (英语). The truth is, while the British conservative right would almost certainly be more than happy to whip up a frenzy of transphobia, they simply haven't needed to, because some sections of the left over here are doing their hate-peddling for them. The most vocal source of this hatred has emerged, sadly, from within circles of radical feminists. British feminism has an increasingly notorious TERF problem. ... The application of the term has shifted somewhat over time to encompass most people espousing trans-exclusionary politics that follow a particular "TERF logic," regardless of their involvement with radical feminism.
Vasquez, Tina. It's Time to End the Long History of Feminism Failing Transgender Women. Bitch (Bitch Media). 2014-02-17 [2019-04-13]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-13). [Cathy] Brennan, fellow attorney Elizabeth Hungerford, and other modern-day feminists continue to actively question the inclusion of trans people in women's spaces. These feminists refer to themselves as "radical feminists" or "gender critical feminists." In 2008, trans women and trans advocates started referring to this group as "trans-exclusionary radical feminists" or TERFs, a term Brennan considers a slur.